Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Improve Ability to Build up From Defensive Half

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Derek McMullen
Name: Derek McMullen
City: CFJ South
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tech Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tech Warm Up
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Tech Warm Up (5 mins)

Cones are laid at 5-10 yards apart.

Player 1 passes to 2. Then goes to that spot and will get ready for next player in line.

Player 2 receives and turns and the passes 3.

Player 3 then plays a wall pass with player 2.

Next player in line with the ball will do same thing but play goes the opposite direction.

Check the shoulder to see if space is open (information).  Always scan for information.

Use a half turn when receiving the ball. Like the Scholesy, The Arsenal or the Brazilian.

Coaching Points:

Proper weight of pass

Good first touch

Touch into space to pass

Good and quick movement to support/overload area

Head up Checking shoulders/Good awareness and vision

Develop a habit of always looking around

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tech Warm Up 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tech Warm Up 2
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Tech Warm Up 2 (5 mins)

Player 1 passess to 2.

Player 2 passess the ball back to 1

Player 1 passess to 3.

Player 3 plays a wall pass with 2.

Play is reversed towards player 4 next.

Check the shoulder to see if space is open (information).  Always scan for information.

Use a half turn when receiving the ball. Like the Scholesy, The Arsenal or the Brazilian.

Coaching Points:

Proper weight of pass

Good first touch

Touch into space to pass

Good and quick movement to support/overload area

Head up Checking shoulders/Good awareness and vision

Develop a habit of always looking around

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tech/Tact Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tech/Tact Warm Up
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Tech/Tact Warm Up (15 mins)

Simple Passing pattern that works on passing and receiving while also showing correct movements and passes to play the ball out from a goal kick or when goalie has the ball.

Player A passes to B.

B passess to D

D plays a Wall pass with C and then dribbles ball back towards starting line.

Pattern is done the same on the other side of field.

Groups switch after 5 mins.

Coaching Points:

Proper weight of pass

Good first touch

Touch into space to pass

Good and quick movement to support/overload area

Head up Checking shoulders/Good awareness and vision

Develop a habit of always looking around

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Activity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Activity
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Small Sided Activity (20 mins)


Players play keep away from two defenders.

Red players cannot come into the shaded area and are confined to their side.

Offensive players must be moving off the ball at all times and with urgency to

provide best possible target to player in possession.

Offensive players must receive passes across their bodies and with the inside of


Offensive players should attempt to pass the ball to teammate in way which best

allows them to receive across their body.

Speed of play should be maximized.

Every 4 passes = 1 point.

Defense split = 2 points.

If defesne wins the ball they earn 1 point. They also switch with two outside players.

Coaching Points:

Proper weight of pass

Good first touch

Touch into space to pass

Good and quick movement to support/overload area

Head up Checking shoulders/Good awareness and vision

Develop a habit of always looking around

Receive across body.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Expanded SSA

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Expanded SSA
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Expanded SSA (20 mins)

Play starts from the goalie.

Red must maintain possession and build the play into second half to score a goal.

One Red player joins in second zone.

If Blue wins they try and quickly transistion and score into big goal.

Coaching Points:

Proper weight of pass

Good first touch

Touch into space to pass

Good and quick movement to support/overload area

Head up Checking shoulders/Good awareness and vision

Develop a habit of always looking around

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Match

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Match
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Match (25 mins)

7v7 Full Field


This set up will allow an overload to build it out of the back from the GK or goal kick. This set up will also allow of space for the outside backs to get forward in support to help create overloads in Midfield and Forward lines.

Depending of what defending team does when defending. Midfield players should drop in to help create the overload in the back if attackers press the backs. The defenders can be coach directed in how he wants them to play (Good opportunity to work on pressing too). This will allow offensive team to have to deal with multiple situations and have to make decisions according to the situtation.

Coaching Points:

If 1 or 2 defenders press the backs, then midfielders can stay in their area and try and find openings to receive the ball. We will have a 4v2 (3 Backs + GK)

If 3 or more defenders press the backs, then 1 or 2 (depends on numbers) midfielders will need to drop in to support and create an overload. (6v3 possibly)

Forwards must be active to find the ball because they could have plenty of space to get the ball. Depending on the situation they could be on same side as the ball or they can "hide" on the opposite side hoping for quick switch of play to catch the defense out of position.

Play must be quick to get the ball into midfield area.

Players play quicker by: Good first touch into plenty of space, Awareneness and Vision by always scanning the field (Check their shoulder), quick and proper movement to open themselves up for a pass, Communication and a lot of it.

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