Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): OCYS GK Program Week 12: High Balls & Collapse Dives (Start Time: 06-Nov-2017 17:30h)

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Louis Liberatore

Profile Summary

Louis Liberatore
Name: Louis Liberatore
City: Orlando
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Technique of High Balls and Handling



-Defending principles in the warm up game.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5v2 Transition HandBall

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5v2 Transition HandBall
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5v2 Transition HandBall (20 mins)

Teams of 5 Divided into two halves. (Adjust Teams Based on Numbers)

3: 3 Minute Games

-Defending Team Sends in 2 GKs to Defend: Every 5 passes, another GK can enter to defend.

-Team in Possession, must pass using GK hand Distribution

-Emphasis on movement and getting set when asking for the ball.


-Communication: Names, Loud, Simple and Defending team working togtehr and GKs not across helping as well.

-Pressure and Cover Principles for defending GK, can you force the GK one way?

-Distribution: Sling Throw, Baseball Throw, Underhand bowl

-Set Shape and efficiency of movement.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Handling w/High Balls

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Handling w/High Balls
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Handling w/High Balls (40 mins)

Groups of 3-4: Every 2 Groups, Make Another 2 Set-Ups.

Sets of 6 for Each GK

Step Into White Gate ("2nd Goal") deal w/Service from Blue Cone Server. Then drop step for footwork in red cones with eyes on green cone ball. Set after cones with body shape (shoulders in line with blue cone and last red cone). Deal w/high ball toss from green cone by getting around the back of blue cone and attacking through the back fo the ball while calling keeper.

A. Blue cone service is scoop/front smother

B. Blue cone service is volley for Contour/Basket Catches

C. Blue cone server bounces ball and gk shuffles around the front of cone in line w/red cones in set shape and deals with bowled service for low collapse dive.

D. Same as previous, but service is toss for mid range collapse dive.


-Handling technique and decision making.

-Hands, head, and body behind the ball

-Good set shape

-Driving hands, head, and shoulders through the back of the ball.

-KEEPER Call is loud and early before attacking high ball.

-Knee facing the field is up and attack through the back of the ball at your highest point!

-Efficiency of footwork and can you keep eyes on the ball while moving through the cones.

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