Scott Black
Name: | Scott Black |
City: | North Grafton |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
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3v3+4 Drill - Possession with Adding Inverted FB's
Phase: eg. (Playing out of defense/role of the #6, attack zone-14, etc)
Playing into CM & Adding players into the CM from defense
Organizations: eg. (Field dimensions- Number of Players- Cones- Bibs- ).
Focus areas: eg. (Emphasis was on us pressing with high intensity from our shape, closing the lines between defense, midfield & attack & moving in relation to the ball).
- The defenders work on steppinginto the20X30 gridwhen the opponent is out of balance.
- Defenderscreatea4v3situation with thered team.
- After completing 5-passes,
- Blueand red inpossession find the blue 4 or5.
Key factors: eg. (movement & cues of opponents, angles of closing down).
- Spacing of the possession team. Play with limitedtouches.
- Angles of support .
- Movement of theteam inpossession to createoverloadsand passinglanes.
Learning Outcomes: eg. (Post practice review, comments, thoughts)