Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Defensive Principles/ DEF Positioning

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Country: Australia
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Session Objective is to give the team a better understanding of the DEF set up and when to drop deep or hold a high line. The session should give the whole team a better perspective of shape BPO and how  the forwards, wingers and mids are defenders at different moments in the game

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Football Tennis/Warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Football Tennis/Warm up
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Football Tennis/Warm up (10 mins)

Football Tennis/ Warm up

  • Split the team evenly into small groups.
  • Each player only allowed 2 touches
  • Ball can only bounce once in the grid
  • first to 12 points wins

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Positioning Game/ DEF Organisation

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Positioning Game/ DEF Organisation
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Positioning Game/ DEF Organisation (25 mins)

Game Model Moment: Defensive Organisation
Team Principle: Mid-Blocks - Keeping Lines Close Together to Not Allow Opposition Space to Play
Sub-Principle: Collective Team Shape - Work as a Chain to Close Width & Depth
Explanation: 7v7 inside the mid third of the field. Teams working directionally to try and score. 3 goals to aim for - 2 wide goals at the end of each mid-third section - these are worth 1 goal. If a team is able to penetrate they can't be defended (offside is active) and is a free 1v1 with GK - goal is worth 3 points.

Progression: If a team is able to force the opposition back into their back third - it is worth 2 points.

Key Messages:

#3/4 - Are we able to communicate and organize our line in relation to the ball? (Centre-Point of chain - if ball moves to the left we slide together - if ball moves back can we step)

If we are in a 1v1 or 2v1 situation can we force backwards?

If partner has opponent face them - am I able to cover space in behind to protect that space?

#2/5 - Move with CB's along the chain - watch their movements for how you should be pulled

Are we able to force play out into our channels to keep in wide pockets?

Can we cover any space we need to when facing an overload?

#6/8 - Are you able to support your sides defensive balance?

Can you help full-backs create an overload to not allow back inside?

Can you be the setting point for the midfield chain?

Can we defend in the half spaces to allow for greater pressure up field?

#10 - Are you able to press to one side? If not are you able to still force them to play one way?

Can you dictate the height of the chain?

Team - No more than 8-10m between lines - anything more is too tight - anything less is too slack.

Number of Players: 16 players
Duration: 20 minutes

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game Training/ Defending the Final Third

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game Training/ Defending the Final Third
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Game Training/ Defending the Final Third (30 mins)

Specific Practice / Defending the Final Third

Welsh Way Principles

Understand when and how to minimise space, deal with crosses / shots & protect space centrally in the defensive third

Organisation / Area Size

60m x 50m 

Play 8v7 GK on the red team with 8 in a GK-4-2-1

Play 1CM, 2 full backs, #10 / #9 and two wide players on the

opposition blue team

Play 4x3  minute periods with 2 min break


The opposition in possession have to try to get into the final third after getting the ball from the server. This will give the coach the opportunity to work on the defensive principles of defending the final third. The red team here are illustrated as occupying two out of three zones we will use to educate the players on what we want. If the red team win the ball they must then counter attack by breaking lines under a managed countdown by the coach before scoring to small side goals

Teams can 'score' by:

Block 1. The blue team get a goal scoring from wide / two goals scoring from central, reds get a goal for scoring by getting the ball into the shaded zone

Block 2. The blue team will get two goals by scoring from a cross / wide play and one goal from normal / central play.

The reds on gaining the ball will get a goal if they score from a counter attack and break lines


The coach is to work with ONE team only, out of possession, in this

case the reds on how they defend the final third. When the reds have

possession they wont be coached but will look to break lines on the

counter attack. The coach will manage the opposition to attack the

final third and ensure realism for both teams for the duration of the session

1-4 Defend tighter, deeper, more narrow

Block 1: Manage the blues to attack centrally through #9 and #10 is double goals Score from a cross is a goal. Reds get a goal for getting the ball and score for small side goals  4-8 Defend the ball / higher, get pressure on earlier, defend the 2v1 wide

Block 2: Manage the blues to create the 2v1 wide against your full backs. Coach the solutions with the reds

Challenges, Conditions & Targets

The conditions are full width and up to the small goals. The target for the blues is to score in the fixed goal from central or wide. For the red team it's the small goals. The red team out of possession will also fill two out of the three zones when defending leaving the furthest player/s. The reds are also challenged with scoring from a counter attack by breaking lines.

The two full backs on the blue they MUST be on two touch or two seconds in possession. This gives you the problem as the coach that you want but keeps things realistic also. They're key to the problems you want to give yourself as the coach. Initially manage them to support from behind (minute 1-4) then encourage them to give you the problems of a 2v1 against your full back either side (minute 5-12)

Key Points

Out of possession:

 Force direction of play

Minimise boxentries

Stop crosses / shots

Defend the box

Defend narrow

Leave the furthest player/s

Stop the switch

In possession 

Play through, around or over the opposition

Ball speed

Weight of pass

Use of width and depth

Direction of pass

Movement to receive


walk through

coaching processconcurrent terminal









Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Penalty shootout Reward

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Penalty shootout Reward
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Penalty shootout Reward (10 mins)


One shot per player.

If you score you move to the left.

If you miss to the right.

Existing players stay in if you miss your out (sudden death)

2nd shot taken with opposite foot

Last player in wins

Coaching Cues

Pick your spot, dont change your mind

Strike through the ball

Coaching Points:

Pick your spot and dont change your mind.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button