Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Magic Square - Passing

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Sean Kettle

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Sean Kettle
Name: Sean Kettle
City: Birmingham
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Part 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Part 1
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Part 1 (15 mins)


- Set up an area 40 x30 with a mini area/square in the middle 10x5

- Put mini goal/pugs or cones for 4 goals on the corners (this will be used in part 2)

- Blue team in middle have a ball each and pass to a red player on the outside, the player on the outside takes a touch to control and then passes the ball back. The Blue player then dribbles back throiugh the "magic suqare"

- Put teams in two colours if you have the ability to.

- 6 players start in the middle with the ball and 6 plaers on the outside of the area (if you have differing numbers adjust numbers in middle and outside - never have more in the middle than outside otherwise players will not get enough passing opportunties).

- Blue players start with a ball each and plass to a free red player on the outside who controls it and passes back to the blue player. The blue player then dribbles back through the "magic square" and looks to find another red player to pass to.

- Reps: Start with a practice for 40 seconds so players understand the drill. Then 90 seconds - Can you see how many red players you can pass to in 90 seconds?

- Once finished switch roles and do this for at least two rounds - A fun tip: Reds and Blues keep total score as a team and see which team wins.


- Outside players must pass back first time (no touch to control)

- Outside players switch places with player in the middle and dribble the ball into the magic square. ( This can be an individual game - see how many times you get on the outside of the square)

Coaching Points:

- Be aware of surroundings - other players in middle and don't pass to same player

- Head up - look for the free space and player

- When receiving back from outside player think about your body position - where are you going to next? Open up body to direction you wish to go - quicker to move

- Try to receive with your back foot so you can turn quicker

- Players on the outside: Communication is key (3 types of communication)

1. Eyes

2. Hands/Signals

3. Voice

- Technique: Use inside of the foot and use non kicking foot to aim where you want the pass to go. Head over the ball / do not lean back.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Part 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Part 2
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Part 2

Part 2:

- 4 Players start with the ball this time and 2 jokers (defenders)

- Still 6 players on the outside.

Blue players still look to score a point by playing to a red player on the outside.

- However this time (yellow jokers) defenders will look to steal once player has left the magic square and score in a mini goal in any corner - if they do they get 2 points.

- If the yellow player steals off the blue the blue can still try to stop them from scoring. Blues must fetch ball from goal if yellow scores and continue their score.

1 minute rounds and then switch defenders within the blues ( will be 3 rounds )

Then Blues switch out with reds and repeat the game.

Coaching Points:

- Many are the same as part 1, however it is harder as there are defenders so players must think how they can protect the ball and think quicker and pass under pressure.

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