Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Covid social distancing training U12 session 1 (part 1)

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Steve Gulliver
Name: Steve Gulliver
City: Southampton
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Player drink think zone

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Player drink think zone
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Player drink think zone

On arrival the players must wash their hands at the washing station & put their drink and belongings on a cone and not spread out. When they return to this zone berwwen excercises they must stick to their own cone and must keep all their beloniings. When training ends they must wash their hands again, collect their belongings and leave with their parent/guardian.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Parents observation zone

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Parents observation zone
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Parents observation zone

We encourage parents to socialise and chat with each other whislt observing training. If you are observing together then please follow social distancing. We will set up a cones 3M apart. Can you please stand or sit by a single cone to adhere to the rule. Many thanks!

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Agility cones setup

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Agility cones setup
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Agility cones setup


Set up channels approx 3m wide for each player & 2m social distancing channel between. Set up a line of cones as shown. The yellow cones should be about 0.5m apart and start about 2m from the startline. The red cone should be 5m further away from the last yellow cone.


Cones, flats,poles & balls.


Players will start at start line and the coach will call a series of sequences to run through the cones. This will build up to incorporating a ball to dribble/run with the ball.


1) Players will be asked to alter the cones for changing the layout.

2) Players will start on the line and be asked to perform a skills task like doing V cuts on the line. The coach will hold up either a red or yellow cone. The player must react and dribble through the yellow cones only and then back for yellow or run with the ball not through the yellow cones, round the red cone and return to the start line. This is ro test the players observation skills.


Encourage the players to be light on their feet performing the agility moves through the cones. Drive arms and legs when bursting and acclerating away. Keep head up constantly observing the coach to respond to colour.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Agility routines

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Agility routines
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Agility routines

1) On coaches command sprint forwards and slalom through the cones, around red cone then return back through.

2) Stand sideways and perform the same slalom but remain sidways and when you go around the red cone at the end come back sideways facing the other way.

3) Start facing backwards, turn and sprint to the first cone and turn backwards and slalom through the cones, turn forwards and srint around the red cone back to the yellow cones. Turn backwards, slalom through, turn fowards and sprint back to the start line.

4) Sprint forwards to the fist cone, bsck pedal to the start line, sprint forward to the second, back pedal to the start line and so on all the way through the yellow cones then to the end red. Rest for 30 seconds then repeat back to the start line.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball routines

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball routines
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Ball routines


The progression now will incorporate a ball and some observation skills by the players. The coach will ask the player to perform a skills task on the start line such as V cuts. The coach will hold up a coloured cone and the player races against their team mates to the end cone and back. If the coach holds up a red cone the player dribbles through the cones their and back. If the coach holds up a green then they run with the ball without going through the cones, around the end cone and straight back. The skills tasks are listed below.

5) Side rolls

6) V cuts

7) L drag back

8) Coaches combo


Have players perform with their back to you so they have to keep looking over their shoulder.

Key points:

Encourage players to keep their head up to observe and glance over their shoulder.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button