Name: | Frank Schodowski |
City: | Sterling Heights |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Small Sided Activity - RACES!
Place pairs of cones approximately 30 ft apart. Have players in groups of two or three stand behind the cones. One ball needed per line.
When coach says 'go', players will dribble to the opposite cone, perform a change of direction move, yell the words 'ONE' and dribble back and leave the ball for the next player. Next player will go and do the same, yelling 'TWO' when they return, and so on and so on until they get to 'TEN'. When ten reps are completed, team will put foot on ball and raise their hand so coach will know they have finished. Give 3 points to the team that finishes first, 2 points to the second place team and 1 point to the third place team. Make sure players do not dribble until their teammate has crossed the returning cone line.
Play over and over using the same change of direction move until one team has 10 points.
Winner of each Change of Direction game can have the losing teams do: Push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, etc
Mix up teams after each change of direction game.
Coaching Points:
Explode with speed after the change of direction.
First touch should be towards cone (not stopping the ball).
Change directions of the ball with ONE TOUCH - cutting foot will need to be in front of the ball for this.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Expanded Small Sided Activity - 1v1 Outward facing goals.
In a large playing grid, place two goals facing outward about 40 feet apart. Place two cones apart from each other between the goals. Players with balls will stand behind one cone, players without balls will stand behind the other cone.
Player with ball will pass it across to the other waiting player. They will then play 1v1 with the ability to score on any goal. Changes of direction will be encouraged here and will need to be performed to be the most successful. If defending player wins the ball, they will then have the opportunity to score on any goal too! If ball goes out, players switch lines and the next players will play.
Keep the game moving fast - if no one scores within 30 seconds, say 'TIME!' to end the match and let the next players start. Players keep track of their goals.
Coaching Points:
Change directions as soon as defender has closed you down.
Explode to an open goal quickly before defender recovers.
Try to perform various change moves.
Sheild the ball.
Keep the ball underneath you and NOT exposed to the defender.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Match Play:
Create two wide opposing goals for teams to score on.
Players will play 3v3, 4v4, 5v5, etc and can score on any of the wide goals by dribbling through them (NO SHOOTING). One team can sit out replacing the scoring team when a goal is scored.
Change directions to find an open goal if a defender closes you down.
Change directions to pass to an open teammate
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Warm - Up: Can you do this?
Can You Do This?
Players will free dribble around an open area (50ft x 70 ft).
1.) Ask players to see if they can do what the coach is doing (each one is a one minute activity):
a.) Have players dribble around then stop the ball by stepping on it when coach yells 'STOP'.
b.) Have players dribble around then perform a drag-back (pull-back) when coach yells 'TURN'.
c.) Have players dribble around then stop the ball using the inside of the foot when coach yells 'STOP'.
d.) Have players dribble around then perform an 'INSIDE-CUT' when the coach yells 'TURN'.
e.) Have players dribble around then stop the ball using the outside of the foot, when coach yells 'STOP'.
f.) Have players dribble around then perfrom an 'OUTSIDE-CUT' when the coach yells TURN'.
Coaching Points:
After changing directions, explode with speed.
Dribble with the ball close to you so you can STOP it quickly.
Try to get the ball moving in the opposite direction with ONE TOUCH.