Hockey Session (Under 18s): Strive FH Session 3_RIM PARK (Start Time: 2023-04-15 09:30:00)

Profile Summary

Cassius Mendonca
Name: Cassius Mendonca
City: Brampton
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Training Session for U18 Athletes 

Focus on Passing - Receiving - Finish

Concept of receiving OPEN


Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass R-Foot & V DRAG

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass R-Foot & V DRAG
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Pass R-Foot & V DRAG (20 mins)



  • Plyr A runs with ball and makes pass OFF right foot to Plyr B
  • Plyr B runs with ball and makes pass OFF right foot to Plyr A
  • GRIP and Hands
  • Eyes up and Contact - Communication
  • Voice - Communication
  • If the players are ready with first touch forward and receive in motion - ENCOURAGE


  • Plyr C runs with ball and does a V DRAG at cones and passes to Plyr D
  • Plyr D runs with ball and does a V DRAG at cones and passes to Plyr C
  • Players to use their RIGHT FOOT and then pull ball bac

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Right Side Baseline Entry

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Right Side Baseline Entry
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Right Side Baseline Entry (20 mins)

Setup as shown:
  • A passes on the run to B to C.
  • D leads to an OPEN RECEPTION from C (C runs inside and passes off Right Foot)
  • D attacks RED cones and draws Right
  • D attacks next RED cones and draws right again with a 3D LIFT - CARRY ball without bounce to next set of cones.  
  • D Pulls Left and pushes ball forward (45 deg) to allow for BACKSPACE REVERSE HIT
  • Coach at top of circle drops ball for player to attack and hit a FOREHAND BACKSPACE Shot
  • Passing on the RUN - Off Right Foot
  • First touch FORWARD - Receive away from the feet
  • Player C (station) needs to run Inside and pass off the RIGHT foot
  • Player D Leads fast to get to OPEN RECEPTION - FIRST TOUCH to attack cones

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Track & EXPLODE FIRST TOUCH

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Track & EXPLODE FIRST TOUCH
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Track & EXPLODE FIRST TOUCH (20 mins)

Tracking with Elimination Pass Forehand Only

  • Player A Runs INSIDE and passes off RIGHT FOOT to player B (who leads out)
  • Player B runs into space receives ball and passes looking UP to C (Leads to OPEN Reception)
  • C gets feet around ball and passes to D - FORWARD in front of D
  • D finishes on net




After shot on net, Coach rolls ball in for player to pick up and Reverse Flick into net

Player MUST run 45 deg 

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): COMBINATION FINISH

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): COMBINATION FINISH
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Pass Eliminate - Quick Touches

  • Player A Runs starts drill and Passes to B (who leads out with Ball)
  • Player A runs forward and receives the pass from B
  • Eliminate all three lines - Start slow and get comfortable and increase pase

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 & 2v1

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 & 2v1
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1v1 & 2v1 (25 mins)


  • Player A starts drill with pass and Plyr B passes back
  • Player A runs forward 1v1
  • Eliminate using skills and finish on goal
  • If Defender Plyr B wins ball then she becomes the Attacker and Plyr A has to defend


  • Plyr C passes ball to start attack
  • Plyr D passes back and Plyr E joins in (as shown).  It becomes a 1v2
  • If Plyr D and E win the ball it then becomes a 2v1
Coaching points
  • Attack Eliminate using space
  • Explode once eliminating defender
  • Defend closing space
  • Counter attack quickly

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