Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Fitness U10 & U12 (Social Distancing)

Profile Summary

Joao De Matos
Name: Joao De Matos
City: Fields
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up

See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up
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Warm up (15 mins)

Set Up

16 Players


Space 5x30+8 (X4)


5 Balls in each passage. Players need to get the balls to the other side first. Players always to be at a blue cone 2m apart. Players only allowed to leave the line once players have crossed to the other side and put the ball into the white square

Up Tempo/Progression

Blue team V Red team. to see who wins

Focus on

1) shoe laces driving the ball

2)Looking up all the time

3)use the left foot and right foot

4)Small touchs around cones

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Second Phase

See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Second Phase
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Second Phase (20 mins)

Set Up

16 Players


Space 25x30 (X2)


Each player with a ball. Players always at a blue cone 2m apart. Only leave once shot was taken.

Up Tempo/Progression

Blue team V Red team Goal keeper defend option goals. To see who wins. 10 min for each team and most goals wins.

Focus on

1)Shoe laces driving the ball

2)Looking up all the time

3)Use the left foot and right foot

4)Small touchs around Manikans

5)Look at the ball when shooting

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Last Phase

See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Last Phase
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Last Phase (20 mins)

Set Up

16 Players


Space 25x35 (X2)


Blue team V Red team. Goal keeper defend oposition goals, to see who wins. 10 Min and most goals wins.

Focus on

1)Shoe laces driving the ball

2)Looking up all the time

3)Use the left foot and right foot

4)Small touchs around Cones

5)Look at the ball when shooting

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button