Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Passing: short passing inside of foot

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Damien Allen

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Damien Allen
Name: Damien Allen
City: stockport
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1

Warm ups

4 players per square. (Can be done with 3 or 5 players)

1 ball per square. Players number their square 1 to 4. Always stay the same number throughout.

Each player operates a side of the square each.

Control and pass, follow your pass to the side of the square you have passed to and replace that player.

After 30 seconds practice stop the drill.

Coach will shout at numbers randomly. If its your number you receive the ball in the square and dribble the ball clockwise to the next square where you stay and continue the same process until another number is called out.


Pass weak foot only 

Play 1 touch 

Do not pass to the side the ball has come from 

5 vs 1 rondo knock ball off cone

5 players in red keep ball away fprom player in green. Attempting to move the ball around the square until the time is right to hit the ball off the cone. Player in middle guarding ball but cant go inside small circle around the ball.

4 vs 1 keep ball and 5 vs 2 keep ball

Move ball around square keeping away from defenders. Can either keep defedners in for 60 seconds or player who gives ball away goes in.


Play 1 touch only

Play must take 2 touch only

Play alternative 1 touch then 2 touch then 1 touch then 2 touch

When ball passed player must move to different side of the square

Weak foot only

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2
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Screen 2

Warm up

Magic Ball (Magic ball needs to be a different colour to other balls used)

3 teams of 4 as above (Can be done with 2 to 4 teams) 

1 ball per team. Pass to your team only

Magic ball introduced, this ball is passed to alternate colours you cannot pass this ball to a player on the same team

Key points

Players should always be on the move

Move away from ball to receive but in eye contact

Look for split passes

Always scanning pitch


Go into a 4 vs 4 possession plus 4 outside players

6 vs 6 possession. Wall pass game, if you wall pass around a player they are off the pitch. They can return if their team wins the ball and passes to them.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3
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Screen 3


Pass through the gate control with one foot pass with the inside of the other. (2 touch)

5 passes on the 5th pass player with the ball dribbles away and finds another partner. Player without the ball stays

Key Points for Inside of the foot pass

A- Make a 10 0r 01 with standing foot. Point the knee and toes of that standing foot towards your partner. Pull the kicking leg through a small back swing.

B- Keep body upright and head steady. Use arms for balance. Point kicking foot towards the player receiving the ball

C- Inside arch of the foot kicks the middle of the ball (6 o'clock) towards your partner

F- Slight follow through to just below knee height with kicking foot. ( Punch the ball through)

Imagine your foot is a golf putter and your playing crazy golf


In 60 seconds how many gates will you get 5 passes in? must be control and pass.

60 seconds 5 first time passes how many gates will you complete?


Play first time

Pass with weak foot

Alter size of gates

Alter distance the players passing over


Remove cones. Players in pairs, they must keep the ball from defenders. If the defender gets a touch the player who lost possesion becomes the defender and the defender steals their partner. Each player is on 3 touch maximum. Pairs can move anywhere in the area.

Get players to think " Receive, pass, offer, receive pass offer "

Every 60 seconds stop play. Change partners. Change any defender who has been in the middle for a long time.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4
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Screen 4


3 v 1 in one square. If you make 3 passes you transfer the ball to the opposite square to your player and then support.

The defender in the opposite square must stand on one of the furthest corners he can not enter until the player receiving has a touch. Repeat the process.


Increase the number of passes needed

Let the defender in the opposite square mark the receiving player

Play 4 vs 1 or 5 vs 2


How many times can you transfer the ball in 60 seconds still need 3 passes

Coaching points

Receive/ pass/ offer

Weight of pass

Instinctively move after you play a pass

Make a triangle


Decision making ( hold onto ball if defender does not pressure, move the ball if he does).

Pass detail back foot or safe foot

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 5

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 5
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Screen 5

SSG 2 v 2 plus 4 corner players

Players in the corner are common players ( magic men ) they play for the team who has passed them the ball. They must stay in their corner and have a maximum 2 touches.

In the middle its all in touches but a 1 touch finish. To score a goal it must be from a pass from a corner player.

Coaching points

Find space

Distance of passes. Dont go to close to passer and limit your space

Selection of pass and weight of pass. Pass the ball as if you were the receiver of the pass

Movement of inside players

Painting pictures knowing where the next pass will go before you receive the ball

Check your shoulder

Diamond shape with 2 middle players, corner player in possession and opposite diagonal corner player

Corner players to make a split pass to opposite corner?


Can you pass to all corners before scoring a one touch finish to gain 5 goals.

Every 5 passes you and your partner make is a goal ( does not have to be consecutive ) passes with the corner players count but you can not go back to the corner player who has just played you the ball. If you kick the ball out of play that resets your passing total to 0.

Add goal keepers if possible but they can not be passed to.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 6

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 6
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Screen 6

SSG 4 V 4 and GK.

Pitch split into half.

3 players in defensive half and 1 in the attacking half.

You must make 2 passes in the defensive half before the ball can be played to your striker to score.


After 2 passes one player can now support the striker from the defensive half. Dribble or pass the ball over. 5 seconds to get a shot off then one of the players stays as the striker and the other retreats to the defensive half to make 3 defensive players again.

Key points

Diamond shape including GK

Rotation and movement of players if marked

Weight of pass

Angle of pass

Move the ball quick with accuracy

Receive, pass and offer

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 7

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 7
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Screen 7

Conditioned game 6 v 6

Use a magic man or overload if needed

2 attackers must stay in one half of the pitch and 4 players must stay in the defensive half.

4 passes needed in the defensive half on the 4th pass player with the ball can either dribble or pass into the attacking half and join in. When possesion is lost he must retreat back too his original half. Or player who shot retereats to defensive half.

Coaching points

Top players will look to disguise their pass. They can do this with misdirection with the head, hands or voice. The Ronaldinhio pass is a perfect example of misdirection of the head to disguise the pass.

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