Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Defending - Control & Restraint

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Chloe Schleichkorn

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Chloe Schleichkorn
Name: Chloe Schleichkorn
City: Burlington
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending - Compactness

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending - Compactness
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Defending - Compactness


Chloe Schleichkorn

U16 OPDL Bayhawk

December 2s1st, 2020 - 6:00-7:00pm

Session Topic: Defending in and around the 18yd box (Control & Restraint)

Principles: Control & Restraint

Field: 2/3rd's of field as shown above (zone 3 & 4)


1 large goal, 2 small goals, cones, soccer balls, 6 x yellow pinnies, 5 black pinnies, 1 green GK pinnie


Black team sets up as 4-3-3. Two target goals for the black team (defending) and one large goal for the yellow team (attacking). Soccer balls are set-up with the server and near the full size goal. Start with a 6v5 game. Server plays to an attacking midfielder, who then plays the ball wide. Player closest to the ball pressures (RB). Both CBs and the LB then shift over and cover and hold the line. LB tucks in and balances out the line.

Coaching Points

Control and Restraint: dropping when no pressure is on the ball versus stepping/holding when pressure is on the ball. Ability to shift left/right.

Patience - not creating any 1v1s but waiting until defending team is compact and in support positions to create 1v2s.

Tracking runs.

Goalkeeper: distance of support and communication

When to pressure the player to disallow any turn vs tough tight when facing.


Add another black player to make it an 7v5.

Can open up the flanks and add additional players with an extra target net (making it a total of 3)

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