Name: | Matthew Hodgson |
City: | Chicago |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Split box into 2. Players must stay in own boxes
Team in "defensive zone" must make 2 passes before going forward (Progress to taking this rule out)
Directional Game.
Goals can only be scored by attacking players in each box (Progress to all players can score)
Key words
Pressure, Cover
Delay, Deny Dispossess
Who presses the ball? Player Closest
Does the first player need to win the ball? Not every time, first defender can set trap for 2nd defender to intercept pass or to win ball back.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
To progress quickly - add 3rd player in for white team and start play every time with the blue team ( mimicing directional play through midfield into Final 3rd.)
Blue can only score in 1 central goal now.
Same coaching points as before - now adding in Balance)
Verbally coach Blue team now and let whites figure out 3rd player
Take away N and middle line.
2 v2 and progression should take 25 mins
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
3/4 field
6+Gk v 7
Now added players in for both groups.
How does 9 funnel play into one area? ( Does 9 have to win the ball?)
How do 8 and 6 connect with 9 to intercept through balls?
How do 6/8 show players into the outside areas towards 2/3?
What type of pressure do we need to add (High/Low)
What visual cues are we looking for to intercept ball (Head down foot pulled back ready to pass, body shape)
How do 2/3/4 stop players turning if ball is recieved back to goal?
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Final Game
Equal numbers for 50 mins
By end of session try have roster almost set. (Roster will be 2 Keepers and 14 Outfield players)
Ask all players Preffered positions.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
1 v 1 Defending
1 v 1 to diagonal goals
White plays in and defends 1 v 1
Blue can score in either goal.
White must win ball and try score in either goal
Key Concepts and Words
Delay, Deny, Dispossess
Why do we Defend? To stop the opposition scoring and to win the ball back so we can score
What must we do when we win the ball? Transition/Counter quickly so we can attack an unorganized opponent.
This stage should take 15 mins.