Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): exercises for young players 9-13 years old

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Marinos Satsias Yiannakis
Name: Marinos Satsias Yiannakis
City: Nicosia
Country: Cyprus
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): warm up
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warm up (10 mins)

warm up.

exercice A

Red player start the exercise. Good control the ball between the cones (red), and continues in a good paste over the square until the starting point.

the second time you must go to the other side and do the same things.

we workout for 4'.

exercise B

one player to the starting point with the ball and the other inside the square.

The red player makes control between the cones and he pass to the yellow player.

The yellow player must do a small movement when the player is in the last cone.

The timing here is very important.

The yellow player must do control with the right leg and goes over the cone as the example.

we do this for 2'.

After we change side. The yellow player must go to the left side and he must do control with the left foot.

we workout for 2' .

exercise C

we are in the same positions and we demonstrate a little bit the exercise.

The yellow player he turn with the outside right leg and he must go the right cone (3) and after to the starting point.

after we do it with the left food and we go to the left cone (4) and we control the ball until the starting point.

we workout for 2' each side.

exercise D

In this exercise he must turn with the inside right leg and goes to the cone (4) and good control with the ball until the starting point.

for the other side turn with the left foot and he must go to the cone (3) and to continues to the starting point.

we workout for 2' each side.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SHOOTING EXERCISE

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SHOOTING EXERCISE
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- the team A start the exercise. They must past as fast as they can throw the cones and shoot into the goal, immediately one player for the second team must do the same.

for examble team 1, when they finished the action (shoot) they must go the the team 2 and the opposite. team 3 they changed with the team 4.

we wotkout for 5'.

another 5' with the week leg each player.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 vs 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 vs 1
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1 vs 1 (10 mins)

1 vs 1

- the red players are the attackers and the yellow players are the diffenders.

so the the red player must go to the first cone slalom to the opposite cone and he must do control until the blue cone and he must return and attack to the defender.

The defender must run without the ball to the other 2 cones so he must do exactly the opposite thing, he must go until the blue cone and turn back to defence to the red player.

I want quick attack so they must finished the action in a 10''.

when the action finished they change their position.

After the other 2 players.

we workout for 4'-6'.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 vs 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 vs 1
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1 vs 1 (10 mins)

1 vs 1

we are in the same place and in the same possitions.

we demonstrate a little bit the exercise.

the red attacking player he run with the ball and he has 2 options (cones). Left and Right. If he decide to go to the left side of the cone the defender must go to the right side without the ball. They run until the blue cone and they turn back for 1 vs 1.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): small sided game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): small sided game
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small sided game (15 mins)

small sided game

3 teams 7 vs 7 .

the team who stay out they are supports with the team has the ball.

we play for 4' each game.

we do 3 games.

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