Craig Williams
Name: | Craig Williams |
City: | Newtown |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
-4 players
-12x8 box with two end channels
-1 ball
-Attacker receives the ball from partner and plays 1v1 against the defender with the aim of dribbling into the opposition end channel
-Defender aims to win the ball and dribble into oppositions end channel
-Ball played in from outside player each time
-Swap roles of attacker and defender after each attempt and regularly swap outside and inside players
Coaching Points - Attackers:
-Movements/Double Movements to create space to receive and face defender - frontal 1v1
-Body strength to receive with back to goal and hold off defender - back to goal 1v1
-Feints/tricks, turns to beat defender
-Acceleration away from defender
Coaching Points - Defenders:
-Deny space to receive - decision to try and pinch pass in front or stay behind and defend
-Body strength when attacker is shielding
-Side on body position knees bent
-Eyes on ball - ignore feints/tricks
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
-12x6 rectangle
-8 yard gate 5 yards behind
-2 players
-1 ball
-Attacker feints the defender with first touch and dribble out the side of the rectangle. Then dribble back around and take on the defender 1v1 aiming to dribble through the yellow gate
-Defender aims to stop attacker dribbling out of the rectangle and then tackle attacker in 1v1 situation
-Immediate pressure from defender after good pass
Coaching Points - Attackers:
-Feint with body before receiving the pass to dummy the defender
-Tricks/turns/skills in 1v1
-Close control while dribbling
-Acceleration when past defender
Coaching Points - Defenders:
-Close down quickly aiming to ignore feints from attacker
-Transition quickly to defend 1v1
-Side on body position knees bent
-Force attacker one way - cut off half pitch with body shape and angle of press
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
-16x16 diamond
-2 players
-1 ball
-Attacker receives pass on back foot then aims to dribble through either yellow side of the diamond
-Defender plays firm accurate pass then moves into the diamond with the aim of tackling the attacker before getting through either yellow side of the diamond
-Firm accurate pass outside the diamond from defender
-Attacker receives on back foot with positive first touch
-Defender starts directly opposite attacker and plays straight pass then defends
Coaching Points - Attackers:
-Speed first option - positive first touch and accelerate over yellow line
-If defender gets in good position then feints/tricks/skills to get past
-Close control while dribbling
Coaching Points - Defenders:
-Move quickly into central area then slow down
-Aim to force attacker one way then press
-Side on body position knees bent
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
1v1 Session 6
-Session set out as above with two end cones, two big yellow gates, and two smaller black gates. Approx 5 yards between gates
-5 players
-1 ball
-Attacker dribbles through yellow gate then aims to beat defender and dribble through either black gate to score a point. He then passes to the opposite end player and he then becomes the defender.
-Defenders aim to tackle once player has dribbled through yellow gate
-Each player will Attack, then Defend, and then is Resting
-Defender always starts in between black gates.Can close down attacker once he passes through the yellow gate
-Once attacker gets through black gate no tackling allowed
Coaching Points - Attackers:
-Close control while dribbling
-Uses of feints, tricks, turns
-Acceleration away from defender
Coaching Points - Defenders:
-Close down quickly then slow down
-Aim to force one way - cut one side off
-Side on body position knees bent ready to press