Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Observation & Reaction U12 session 1

Profile Summary

Steve Gulliver
Name: Steve Gulliver
City: Southampton
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Mental Focus (5 C's)   

This session requires high levels of commitment to put maximum effort into the session, understanding the progressions of each task and performing them to the best of their ability. Players need high levels of concentration to remain focused througout and scan constantly to observe changes througout. Emphasise praise in this session to increase team confidence and player morale.

Individual conciderations (5 C's)

Commitment = Rudy,Thomas, Ollie, Edward, James, Ethan

Communication = Millan, Ethan, James

Concentration = Rudy, Kenneth, James, Ethan, Edward

Control (emotional) = Edward, Thomas

Confidence = Jack, Edwatd

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Setup

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Setup
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create 3 gates (yellow, red, blue) 1 yard wide and approx 2 yards apart on a curve with a disc or cone 5 yards away from the centre gate as shown. scater other gates in the space between. Ideally a different colour as it will be easier to remove these for the next practice leaving the red, blue and yellow ones.


Cones,discs, balls


Players dribble around the space performing skills and avioiding other players.


1)Coach has light cube or coloured discs. When the coach lights up the cube a certain colour or holds a coloured disc/cone above thier head then the players have to dribble through that coloured gate. The coach will then select a different colour and the players will repeat.

2) Instead of dribbling though the same coloured gate the coach can asign a skill to a colour. For example if the cube is yellow the players perform a step over, dribble and repeat whilst the colour is illuminated. The coach changes the colur again and a diffrent skill is performed. see key of colours. blue = fast dribble, yellow = step over, red = feint, blue, change direction, green = L drag back, white = Free style/player choice.

key points:

Ensure players are head up and aware of their surroundings when dribbling. Perform the warm up with purpose and intensity.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): reaction gates

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): reaction gates
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reaction gates


Remove green cones.create 3 gates (yellow, red, blue) 1 yard wide and approx 2 yards apart on a curve with a disc or cone 5 yards away from the centre gate as shown. This is where the passer(s) will take their positions.


Cones, discs, balls


Depending on player numbers, start with 1 receiver and 1 or 2 passers as shown. The coach is in the middle with a light cube or holding 3 coloured discs/cones. The reciever passes the ball 1-2 with the passer or alternatively with the 2 passers. Each time they pass,they check their shoulder scanning to see if the cub has lit up or the coach is holding a colour above their head. When the colour is shown (blue in the picture) the player receives and turns with the ball to the corosponding coloured gate, sharply turns and returns back to the middle and continues 1-2 passing then repeats the excercise. Allow players 1-2 mins as reciever then rotate.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression 1
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Progression 1


1) Have players perform the same practice but they pass the ball from the coloured gate (as shown in bottom 2 corners).

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression 2
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Progression 2


2) The next progression will reqiure at leat 3 players per corner. The excercises starts the same as previous but when the colour is shown they receiver passes back to the passer and turns out and runs through the coloured gate and run through the colour of the same colour on a different corner and cue at the back of the line. The passer then becomes the reciever once they have vacated the corner and the 3rd person in the cue steps up and becomes the passer.

Key points:

Encourage players to constantly look over their shoulders, be on their toes ready to react. Stay focused and alert.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Reaction scoring zones/match

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Reaction scoring zones/match
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Reaction scoring zones/match


use 5 or 6 aside size pitch.Create 4 corner zones of different colours approx 5mx5m.


Cones,discs, balls, bibbs


Split players into 2 teams.Players play a possesion based game. When the coach signals the same colour as the corner with light cube or coloured disc above their head then the teams can score a point by passing the ball to a team mate into the same coloured corner. They have to have control of the ball to score the point. They can retain possesion and pass out to a team mate.They do not have to give up possesion because they have scored. The coahc will constantly change the colour to ensure the players are constantly scanning thier surroundings.


1) to encourage movement put a restriction that a player can only score by being on the move and moving into the space to recieve and not be stood static in the scoring zone to receive.

2) If no coloured light is illuminated then the game changes to a normal game of football involving the goals. Reds would defend left goal, blues defend right goal. No static goal keepers. Player closest would drop in a rush goalie.


Ensure players are constantly scanning to observe the changes. Players who react quickest to the changes will have an edge. Especially when the change is from regular match to scoring zones.

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