Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): 4 v 4 (+2) Possession Game

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Darren Kalthoff
Name: Darren Kalthoff
City: Grain Valley
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 v 4 (+2) Possession Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 v 4 (+2) Possession Game
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4 v 4 (+2) Possession Game

The players perform 2 sets of 10 minutes with a 2 minute break in between the sets.

  • In a 15 x 20 yard area, there are 2 teams of 4 players + 2 neutral players who always play with the team in possession
  • The players can only use a maximum of 2 touches
  • The players of the team who has possession are positioned on the sides with 1 neutral on the side and 1 neutral in the central area
  • The defensive team are all positioned in the area
  • The team with the ball tries to maintain possession with the assistance of the 2 neutral players
  • The defensive team works together, pressing, to close off the angles to try to win the ball. If they win the ball, the teams switch roles.
  • The team who just lost posession works hard to try to win the ball back immediately by counter pressing

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