Name: | Renato Bustamante |
City: | Los Angeles |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
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Thered team is attacking the corner whilst the blacks are trying to defend it andhave a quick counterattack.
The black team isman-to-man marking.
Player 1 in green is GK
Players 2/3 are RB/ LB onthe posts.
Players 4/5/6/7/8 (CB/ CDM/CM/ Winger/ CAM) are trying to man-mark the red players at the edge of the box.
Player 9 is the outlet toclear the ball to (one of the wingers who is fast and agile and not good in theair).
Player 10 is marking player4, trying to pull away from the GK. (CB)
Player 11 is the Striker. Aim to get the ball up to them as quickly aspossible to attack their goal.
If defenders win the ball, then they want to push up the pitch quickly,with players 5 (Winger) /8 (CAM) joining players 9 and 11 as quickly aspossible to help in the attack. Whilst everyone else reshapes and also joinsthe attack. Getting players out of the box as quickly as possible is crucial tocounterattack in numbers, and if play turns over quickly, they are not keepingeveryone on side standing on the goal line.
Practicecorners from both sides.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Player 4 (free kick tacker) Practice from both the left andright side anywhere from between 30 yards out to about 20 from many different positions.
Like with corners, the free kick take will use hand gestures.
In this example, player 4 puts both hands up in the airmeaning players 6/10 are the target players at the far post, depending on wherethe ball lands. They’re aiming for the head of 6/10, who are both runningtowards the far post, one from inside the box and one from outside. In thisexample, player 6, who ran from outside of the box, heads the ball toward thepost nearest them.
Players 3/8/5 move early towards the middle and near postearly, confusing defenders and dragging them with them. This leaves the backpost open for one of those players to get onto the end of.
Practicing well-timed runs from deep will optimally trigger themoment of the kicker’s 1st step.
Players in andaround the 6-yard box need to be ready to receive rebounds.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
The black team is taking a free kick fromjust outside the 18-yard box, and the pink team is trying to defend and preventthem from scoring a goal.
In this example, the coach will be coachingthe pink team. Blue lines are defenders’ movements, whilst red lines are attackers’movements.
The goalkeeper will set up a wall of 4 players (2,4,8,7)blocking off the near post whilst the goalkeeper protects the far post. Their objectiveis to block the free kick taker from scoring. Those 4 players are usually playersfrom the midfield/ strikers who are usually not the tallest but can jump toblock the post. At the same time, the other players will be blocking around thepenalty spot blocking the runners and any service or second balls into the box andpreventing a foul or a goal within the box.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Attacking Corners (25 mins)
Thered team is attacking the corner while the blacks are trying to defend it andhave a quick counterattack.
Player1 will signal with hand gestures the different corners they may hit.
Red team:
Player 1 (RW) is taking corners.
Player 2 (CAM) comes in for the short corner to either dribble in and cross,cross straight away, or pass to 1, who will dribble in or cross.
Players 3/5/6 (RB/ CM/ LW) start huddled together, and each has a specificroute to run to cause confusion amongst the defense.
Player 4 (ST) on GK.
Player 7 (LB) runs aroundthe outside and to the penalty spot.
Player 8 (CDM) stays on theedge to hit anything cleared back in or take a shot from range.
Players 9/10 CB to defend the attacker left up top. One man-marks (10)while the other covers the space where they may run or turn into (9).
Players 3/5/6/7/8 are all crowded (known as line Concept) it will createconfusion for the defense trying to mark them.
Ifthe ball doesn't go short, player 2 will move as an outlet at the edge of thearea (shown by the blue arrow) to either shoot from range or put the ball backinto the mix.
Positionswritten are an example depending on the team, player's ariel abilities, speed,agility, and understanding.
Player1 put 1 hand on the hip, showing he was aiming for the penalty spot. He hits anin-swinging corner toward the penalty spot. Although he was slightly short,the run 6 made picked it up and passed it onto 7, who was open as they losttheir marker in the confusion of runs. They could then finish with a shot asdefenders in front had moved to tackle the ball.
Practicecorners from both sides.