Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): 10U Week 3 - Passing and Recieving

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Am-Club: Highland Football Club

Shane Weems

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Shane Weems
Name: Shane Weems
City: Asheville
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Welcoming Scrimmage

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Welcoming Scrimmage
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Welcoming Scrimmage (15 mins)

Welcome Scrimmage / Play-Practice-Play Methodology - U9/U10

US Soccer would like us all to use a new practice methodology the season. It's called Play-Practice-Play. The idea is to get the players playing as they arrive by getting them going in a game. As players arrive we add to the game until we get to 3v3, 4v4, up to 6v6. This method serves the players and coaches by:

1. Getting the kids playing right away. Their favorite part of practice.

2. Allow for everyone to show up before we start the practice activity or lesson for the day.

3. Get some energy out before the lesson starts and to help players be more attentive to during the lesson.

You should play for 15 minutes and then get into the two training activities before ending the practice with another scrimmage.

On some days you can do a full field scrimmage and on other days you can do a 2v2 or 3v3 scrimmages. It doesn't always have to be the same each week. The key is just to get them playing at the start. Need at least 2 players to get the game going then add players to a team as they arrive.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing/Recieving Grid

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing/Recieving Grid
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Passing/Recieving Grid (15 mins)

Set Up: 20 x 25 yard grid

Organization: Put half the players inside the grid without a ball and half the players around the outside of the grid with balls. The players on the inside move (check) towards a player on the outside and recieve the ball and return to the same player.


1- 2 touch return - "man on"

2 - turn (sideways on) and find a new player to pass to. "Turn"

3 - 1 touch return - "man on"

Coaching Points:

-Receiving on the half turn-Some people call this sideways on- Let the ball run across your body so that you recieve it with the farthest foot as you approach sideways on

-Communication-Verbal- Asking for the ball

-Non-verbal communicaiton- Checking for the ball

-Look over your shoulder when recieving

-Non verbal communication

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Secret Number - Pass and Shoot

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Secret Number - Pass and Shoot
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Secret Number - Pass and Shoot (15 mins)

Secret Number U9/10- built up to mandatory pass before scoring

Players lineup on sides of rectangle across from each other. Go down the line and give each player a number. Coach will kick a ball out to the middle of the grid and shout "2" and "4" for example. The #2 and #4's will then come out and play 2v2 and try to kick the ball back to the coach (or in the goal). The player who passes the ball back to the coach scores a point. This forces them to get their head up to find you.

Progression: Once they get used to this then let them play to the goals. After everyone has had a turn, then begin calling out 2-3 numbers at the same time so the players are competing 2v2 or 3v3 against each other. This time, Teams must pass to each other at least once before scoring and can use the players on the sides if they need. If a player on the side get a pass they have 2 touches or 3 seconds to pass it back in. If the ball is kicked away or the game is taking too long then it's time for the next group. Yell "Get out of there" which lets the players know to go back to there side for the next numbers to be called.

Coaching Points

-Communicate verbally and non-verbally

-Space yourself out.

-Proper weight of pass

-if you cannot pass then try to dribble till you can pass or shoot.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Closing Scrimmage

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Closing Scrimmage
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Closing Scrimmage (15 mins)

Final Scrimmage - Play 4v4, 5v5 or 6v6 (depends on numbers of players present)

The last part of the Play - Practice - Play Methodology is to end with the game. You can start the game office with restrictions based on the lesson for the day but make sure the last 10 minutes is free play with no restrictions.

At U9 and U10 teams play 7v7 (6 field players and a GK). The next slide is the view of a game field.

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