Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Crossing and Finishing with WMF and 2 Strikers

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Daniel Burrows

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Daniel Burrows
Name: Daniel Burrows
City: Derby
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Drill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Drill
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Blue 1 - LM

Blue 2 - CM

Blue 3 - CM

Blue 4 - RM

Blue 5 - ST

Blue 6 - ST

Red 1 - GK

Red 2 - RB

Red 3 - CB

Red 4 - CB

Red 5 - LB

Red 6 - CM

Drill starts with blue 2nad 3 keeping possession inside the shaded area, opposed by red 6.

As soon as blue 2 and 3 have made 2 or 3 passes, they can play out of the the shaded box, preferably to a winger, (blue 1 or 4), but can also play straight to a blue striker, (5 or 6).

It is 2 OR 3 passes for blue 2 and 3, as this encourages them to keep their head up, and assess their passing options. If they can play after 2 passes then do it, but if they can't play after 2 passes, can they make that third pass and play out the other side.

If they can play out to blue 1 for example, they should be looking to be playing the ball into the space infront, so blue 1 can run onto it.

This is to minimise the number of touches blue 1 should require, and allow the bleu team to move quicker through the thirds.

If it was played to blue 1's feet, he would need one touch to control, one touch to turn and one touch to progress down the wing.

If blue 2 plays the ball infront of him, he only needs one touch to progress down the wing, and may even be able to cross the ball first time.

As the ball moves from blue 2 to blue 1, blue 2 must then move to be able to give a passing option to blue 1 from behind, just incase he is unable to get past red 2.

Blue 3 would move into a more central role, and wait on the edge of the box, 1) for if the ball gets cleared by the reds, he could maybe have a shot, or 2) if one of the red CB's are able to run out with the ball, he can be there to either stop them or slow them down whilst his teammates get back to an organised defensive structure.

Blue 4 should remain wide, even though the ball is on the other side of the pitch.

This is to give red 5 a problem, does he stay with his defensive unit and be compact,resulting in giveing blue 4 space and time to control the ball if receives it, or does he shaddow blue 4 to deter the blue team from giving the ball to blue 4 at all.

As blue 1 progresses down the wing, blue 5 and 6 have a chioce to make.

They should already aiming for one of them to be running in towards the near post, and the other to be between the middle of the goal and the back post, but do they always go to the same sides, or can they switch? For example, blue 6 making the near post run, and blue 5 going towards the back post?, just to try and lose the playering marking them.

As blue 4 crosses the line into the attacking 3rd is his cue to head in towards goal.

He is there for if the ball is too high for either of the blue strikers to get on the end of it.

Can he then shoot or cross it again.

If blue 1 wasn't able to get past red 2, and had to play back to blue 2, blue 3 would drop back, and they would try and play out the other side, meaning blue 3 would have to support blue 4, just as blue 2 had supports blue 1, and blue 2 would move into the central area, just like blue 3 had in the previous combination.

If the blues are able to win the ball back, can they counter attack and try and score in one of the goals on the halfway line.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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For the SSG, 3 defenders for the blues have been added, and 2 attackers for the reds. 2 of the blue defenders have bee given numbers, (7 and 8), this is beacuse they are going to be used in the next bit of combination play.

The players who are in the central shaded area have to stay in that area, and the players who are on the outside of the shaded area have to stay out wide.

The only players who are allowed to move between the two areas are the red full backs, and the blue 7 and 8.

This time the session starts by the blue team keeping possession for a few passes, but it is now the 3 defenders who are passing the ball, not the 2 CM's.

If the ball can be played out to the ble LM, then blue 7 would be allowed out of the shaded area to create an attacking overload against the red RB.

This gives the blue LM some options.

He can either:

1) try and take on the winger as before

2) pass the ball back to blue 7, and then make a run in behind the red RB, as blue 7 can play a ball over the top

3) try and stretch the red RB up the pitch, and then pass back to blue 7 for him to cross the ball in

4) Blue 7 can try and over/underlap the blue LM to either receive the ball in space, or take the defender away for the blue LM to be able to cross the ball.

This would be the same for blue 8 and the blue RM, should the ball go out to that side of the pitch.

If the red do win the ball back, they have only 15 seconds to see if they can score a goal.

After those 15 seconds have passed, the game is reset, and the blue defenders will start with the ball again.

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