Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Coaches Corner U8 Wk 7

Profile Summary

Bobby Warner ODP
Name: Bobby Warner ODP
City: Aurora
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up
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Warm Up (10 mins)


1. 20 x 30 Grid

2. Every player has a ball


1. Players juggle the ball using thigh catch

2. Players juggle the ball using left thigh, right thigh, catch

3. Juggle for a allocated amount of time to see what the high number is for each player

Coaching Points:

1. Good agility, balance, coordination - on balls of feet

2. Good touch/feel of the ball

3. Perserverance and focus


P: No bounce between juggles

P: Start with feet to juggle

R: Start with ball from hands

R: Allow bounces and catches in between

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fun Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fun Game
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Fun Game (10 mins)


1. Every players has a ball

2. Sepereate grid in to 2 - 15 x 10 (as shown above) 20 x 30 Grid split in half

3. Sepereate players into 2 teams


1. Players dribble into another grid on coaches command

2. Before they enter the grid they must perform a move just crossing the grid line.

3. Players race to perform move and be the first into a new grid for a point.

4. If players loses control of the ball outside the grid they lose a point.

4. Play for an allocated amount of time or until X points.

Coaching Points:

1. Small controled touches in tight spaces

2. Accelerate into bigger spaces after move

3. Use all surfaces of the foot

4. Head up and use spatial awareness

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Core Activity 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Core Activity 1
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Core Activity 1 (10 mins)


1. 20 x 30 grid split in half (as shown above)

2. Seperate players into 2 teams

2. 1 ball per grid for activity (coach has extra balls)


1. Number players 1 - 4 or to the number of players you have

2. Both team pass the ball in their grid unopposed.

3. When the caoch calls a number, that player from each grid runs into the other teams grid to try to win the ball.

4. First defender to do so gets a point for their team.

5. Play for allocated amount of time or until X points.

Coaching Points

1. 1st touch on ball

2. Keep control of ball in tight spaces

3. Quick passing

4. Movement to create space

5. Communicate with team mates

6. Body Positioning.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Core Activity 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Core Activity 2
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Core Activity 2 (15 mins)


1. 20 x 30 grid

2. Seperate players into 2 teams

3. 2 goals (as shown above)


1. Coach plays a ball into a player A attacks in a 1v1 stituation against player B

2. If player A scores they get to add another player, as team B changes defenders

3. Now team A has 2v1 attacking the goal to score and could continue to 4v1.

4. If team B wins the ball they can try to score on the other teams goal to add a player.

5. If the balls goes out of bounds the players go back to their line and the game starts over to 1v1.

Coaching Points

1. Encourage players to use moves to beat players 1v1.

2. Communication between players

3. Movement on and off ball (finding space)

4. Quick movement and accelerate to goal

5. Head up

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play
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Free Play (15 mins)


1. 20 x 30 Grid

2. Sperate players into 2 teams

3. 2 goals on each end of the grid


1. 4v4 or 5v5 with a kepper

2. Have Fun!

Coaching Points

1. When is a good time to dribble/pass?

2. Encourage players to use skills from Core Activity 1 and 2

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