Futsal Session (Beginner): Futsal209 U6 - 1v1 Attacking (Start Time: 18-Jan-2020 09:00h)

Profile Summary

Gabriel Bolton
Name: Gabriel Bolton
City: Turlock
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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This session is designed to improve our 1v1 attacking and ball control.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Speeding Ticket

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Speeding Ticket
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Speeding Ticket (10 mins)

Objective: improve ball mastery

Organization: players with a ball inside a grid. 1-2 players without a ball. A coach on the outside of the grid.

Instructions: players dribble in grid keeping close control. The players without a ball try to tag them. Give them a "speeding ticket." If they get tagged they have to go to the coach who gives them an assignment like 5 toe taps.

Coaching Points:

1. Control of ball,

2. Go as fast as you can,

3. Head up to avoid police.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Relay Races

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Relay Races
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Relay Races (10 mins)

Objective: activation game and dribbling.

Organization: 2 cones set-up 10 yards apart. Two groups of players. Each group with a ball.

Instructions: different types of competitions and relay races.

Variations: (1) start with no ball first, (2) ball, (3) different moves or patterns.

Coaching Points: (1) compete, (2) ball control, (3) teamwork.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 Scoring Zone

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 Scoring Zone
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1v1 Scoring Zone (15 mins)

Objective: improve our 1v1 attacking.

Organization: SSG field set up with 5 yard scoring zone on each end. Two teams on the sideline either side of the coach.

Instructions: on coach command players run around cone and into the grid. Coach plays the ball in and they go 1v1. You must be IN the attacking scoring zone to score a goal.

Coaching Points: (1) control the ball, (2) be aggressive going 1v1, (3) dribble under control into the scoring zone.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3 Scoring Zone

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3 Scoring Zone
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3v3 Scoring Zone (25 mins)

Objective: improve our 1v1 attacking and ball control.

Organization: 3v3 field with two small sided goals. 5 yard scoring zone on each end.

Instructions: play 3v3. Players must be IN their attacking scoring zone in order to score.

Coaching Points: (1) be aggressive going 1v1, (2) look for teammates in the scoring zone, (3) make a triangle, (4) keep the ball under control so you can score in the zone.

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