Kika Toulouse
Name: | Kika Toulouse |
City: | NYC |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
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10 x 10 yard area set up as shown
4 players (3 Attackers, 1 Defender) set up as shown
1. 3 v 1 keep away within the area
2. Attacking team must keep possession within the area. Attacking team must always present 2 options to the player receiving the ball. If open ball is too slow to get into space and present themselves as an option for the receiver, the receiver must automatically play the ball back from the player he/she received from.
3. For every 10 passes the attacking team gets 1 point. Attacking team starts with a 5 point buffer
4. If the defender manages to intercept or force the player out of the area, a point is taken away
5. Attacking team must try to acquire as many points in a 2 minute period
6. After 2 minutes defender is switched over and play starts again
7. Restarts are started by the attacking team and start from 0 passes. First pass is always free
Coaching Points:
1. Angle of approach - Specific technique being coached
2. Head up to observe your target
3. Supporting foot - Specific technique
4. Contact with the ball
5. Contact with the foot
6. Body weight
Progressions / Regressions:
(P1) - One touch only
(R1) - Slow tempo down; take a minimum of two touches
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Two 15x15 yard grids are created side-by-side as shown in Diagram (b) below. Goalkeepers are positioned at each end of the grids to act as target players. A 4v4 is organized in each grid as shown. The setup is repeated to accommodate the entire team. Note - Two games of 4v4 are illustrated
One player from the defending team must remain in the opposite grid as shown above. The other 3 teammates must attempt to gain possession from the 4 opposing players. This creates a numbers-down situation for the defensive team and forces them to work as a unit to regain possession. If the defensive team wins possession they must quickly switch the ball to their teammate in the opposite grid. Immediately they must travel to support the play. In the Diagram above, Player (A) has won possession of the ball and quickly passes to his/her teammate in the opposite grid. The blues will now transition quickly to support the play while the yellow team must send over 3 players to defend. Points are awarded for a successful switch and 7 consecutive passes.
Coaching Points:
• Work together to defend as a unit
• Attempt to regain possession quickly.
• Immediately look to switch the ball on gaining possession.
• Travel quickly to support the play.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
30 x 30 yard area
3 Teams: 2 Attacking (Possessing the ball), 1 Defending
1 Ball
1. The two attacking team's objective is to maintain possession of the ball away from the defending red players that operate inside of the area
2. The blue attacking players on the outside cannot be tackled or enter the playing area
3. If the defending players win the ball they must attempt to keep possession and pass the ball 3 times before becoming an attacking team. Once they maintain possession, they will expand and take the place of the outside blue team, and the blue will play within the free area.
4. The attackers should look to utilize the player in the middle when a good opportunity arises to play in.
5. Winners play in the middle area. The team who regains possession must work on expanding first.
6. Team who loses possession of the ball becomes the defending team.
Coaching Points:
1. Keep the ball moving to try and stretch the defending players
2. The players on the inside (yellow) should look to receive the ball at an angle and play quickly to the outside
3. Weight and accuracy of the pass
4. Decision making when to pass inside and when to maintain possession on the outside
5. Use of wall pass and support to get around the opposition.
6. Angle of support from the 2nd Attacker
Progressions / Regressions:
(P1) - Limit touches on the outside to one or two touches
(P2) - Reduce to two teams
(P3) - Add middle triangle/square where a player (GK/CM) plays neutral and the teams look to connect. 2 points - Give and Go. 1 point - connection and maintaining possession.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Depending on numbers and the size of the field we will either play 7v7, 6v6, or have a 3v3 tournament.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Technical (15 mins)
On Arrivial: (Prior to start of practice)
As shown in diagram
Dynamic Warm-up:
1. Jog to cone and back twice
2. Open the gate to the cone, close the gate on our way back
3. Half kicks (Cross the body; Knee to elbow) to cone, Light extension - Full kicks on our way back.
4. High knees to cone, butt kicks on our way back.
5. Side shuffle facing one direction to cone - switch direction half way in between. Two alternating side skips on our way back.
6. Small skips down, big skips on our way back.
7. Move on to SAQ with cones.
Coaching Points:
1. Be on toes
2. Listen for coaches signal
3. Reaction time
4. Speed of movement
Technical Warm-up: Yael Averbuch "Soccer Wall Series"
Part I
1. Inside pass (leave foot in air after contact) Receive + Pass; 1 min x each foot
2. Receive inside (leave foot in air after receiving) Pass back with Laces - same foot, drop foot in between reps; 1 min x each foot
3. Outside touch when receiving (leave foot in air after receiving) Pass with inside surface; 1 min x each foot
4. Receiving drag across with inside surface (leave foot in air after receiving) Pass with outside surface; 1 min x each foot
Challenge - Wrap around the back of your planted foot, inside pass. Adjust the angle of your hips. 1 min