Andrew Mcleod
Name: | Andrew Mcleod |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1. 40 x 25 yard area, tw o end zones of 5 x 25 yards, set up as show n
2. 8 players (2 Team s of 4) set up as show n
3. 1 ball (A dditional around the outside)
1. Team s play 2v2 w ith targets in each of the end zones
2. Team s attem pt to play to their target player in either end zone
3. Target players are perm itted to m ove freely inside their end zone
4. Target players in each zone are not perm itted to defend each other and m ust stay inside there zone until they receive a pass from their team m ate
5. If a successful pass is m ade to target, players rotate positions and the team begins their attack in the opposite direction w ith a dribble into the area
6. If the ball leaves the area the gam e is restarted w ith a kick in
Coaching Points:
1. A ttack quickly to create num bers up w hen possible – 2v1
2. If counter attack is not an option m aintain possession
3. 1st attacker to penetrate w ith forw ard pass or dribble
4. U se of com bination to penetrate
5. Runs aw ay from the ball to create 1v1 situation
6. Play at speed
P – Players m ust now run the ball into the end zone to target for a take over
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1. H alf Field set up as show n
2. 13 players (6 A ttackers, 6 D efenders, 1 G oalkeeper) set up as show n
3. 1 ball (A dditional around the outside)
1. Each team plays 2v2 in their ow n areas
2. Players are only perm itted to play and m ove in their ow n area
3. The activity starts w ith one of the w ide team s
4. The objective for the attacking team is to score on the large goal through their central strikers
5. W ide groups can pass the ball betw een each other if they choose
6. D efending players in w ide areas attem pt to prevent forw ard pass into final third and score in the sm all goal
7. D efending players in final third attem pt to w in the ball and play into one of the w ide groups to score
8. If the ball goes out norm al restart rules apply
Coaching Points:
1. 1st attacker to penetrate w ith pass into strikers at earliest opportunity
2. M ovem ent of strikers to check and receive the ball
3. U se of com bination to penetrate
4. Runs aw ay from the ball to create 1v1 situation
5. Play at speed
1. P – Prevent lofted passes into strikers to ensure all passes are m ade on the ground
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1. H alf Field set up as show n
2. 14 players (2 Team s of 7) set up as show n
3. 1 ball (A dditional around the outside)
1. Team s play 2v2 in each of the three zones (tw o w ide zones one central zone)
2. Players are restricted to playing and m oving only w ithin their zone
3. Team s attem pt to score on each other’s goal
4. N orm al restart rules apply (throw n-ins, corners and goal kicks)
Coaching Points:
1. A ttack quickly to create num bers up w hen possible – Role of the goalkeeper in transition
2. If counter attack is not an option m aintain possession
3. 1st attacker to penetrate w ith shot, dribble or pass
4. U se of com bination to penetrate
5. Runs aw ay from the ball to create 1v1 situation
6. Play at speed
P – Lim it touches to encourage m ore com binations
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Warm Up
1. 20 x 20 yard area set up as show n
2. 4 players (2 A ttackers, 2 D efenders) set up as show n
3. 1 ball (A dditional around the outside)
1. A ttackers attem pt to penetrate over defenders end line w ith a dribble or com bination
2. If defending team w ins the ball they attem pt to do the sam e over the opposite end line
Coaching Points:
1. U se of com bination to penetrate
2. Runs aw ay from the ball to create 1v1 situation
3. Play at speed
1. P – Lim it touches to encourage use of com binations and speed of play