Futsal Session (Junior): Futsal Academy- Level 3- Session 22

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James Kavanagh

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James Kavanagh
Name: James Kavanagh
City: Sacramento
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking from wide areas.

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking from wide areas.
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Attacking from wide areas. (15 mins)

  • Activity Name: Quickfeet, dribbling, attacking from wide areas. 
  • Activity description: Player A starts with the ball and weaves through the cones, then drives with the ball toward the shaded areas. At the same time player B does quickfeet exercises in the ladder/line of cones. If player A crosses/passes from shaded area 1 ball should be placed far post and player B should attack there, if player A drives closer to the byline into zone 2 the pass/cross needs to be set back to the top of the arc and player B should attack there. 
  • Progression/ Variations: Change the footwork activity through the ladder/cones- quick feet in each gap, 2 shuffles in a jockey motion to weave through, backwards jockeying, hopping,
    crisscross switches with the feet. Change the dribbling exercises through the line of cones- single cuts, double cuts, toe taps, soccer boxes, sole roll and tap.  Add in a defender too make it 2v1- have the defender defend center court or try to mark opposite side ala. 

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 Goal Possession Increasing/Decreasing numbers

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 Goal Possession Increasing/Decreasing numbers
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4 Goal Possession Increasing/Decreasing numbers (20 mins)

  • Activity Name: 4 goal Possession rising/decreasing numbers. 
  • Activity Description:  Set up as shown. Coach serves a ball in- game starts 5v5.  Teams can score in any of the 4 goals. Teams have to make a set number of passes before they score. When they score a member of the other team is eliminated from the game. If the game gets to be 1v1 its whoever scores first. 
  • Progression/ Variation: Or start 5v5 and if you score a member of your team leaves the game.
  • Coaching points:   Being direct and quick to make use of numbers up situations. Working together and communicating.  Futsal techniques and trying to rotate when we have more numbers.  

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 Player opposite ala give and go

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 Player opposite ala give and go
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4 Player opposite ala give and go (20 mins)

  • Activity Name: Introduction/ Rework of a opposite side ala rotation (Opposed) 
  • Activity Description: Players work on the following rotation- Fixo (F) plays the ball and moves towards the opposite side ala, the
    opposite ala comes in to the middle and works the give and go with
    the ala on the ball. Example - Fixo passes to right side ala (RA) and moves
    towards the left side of the court. As the fixo moves towards the left
    side of the court the left side ala (LA) comes across the court towards the right side ala and works a give and go with them. The left side ala is
    now in the fixo position and the fixo is now in the left side ala position.  Players can work through the rotation then go 3v2 to try and score.  For groups of more then 6 have the players use the other half to practice. Be sure to remind the player who ends up in the Fixo position to remain there and stay back. The Pivot (P) occupies the high part of the court and should look to move wide to receive a line pass or drop to become involved after the rotation has been completed. The Fixo that ends up as the Ala should then look to attack the far post. 
  • Coaching Points: - Good communication.
    - Timing and angles of runs.
    - Futsal technique on the ball - sole of the foot, scooping, turn and face, etc.                                               - Dynamic movement- quick and sharp. Being sure to pause for a moment to shield the run.                    - Players after they pass must run diagonally inside the court then check out, player receiving the ball comes inside behind. 

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Game

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Game
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Final Game (20 mins)

Regular 5 v 5 - Final Game - No restrictions - Reinforce session topic.
- Encourage players to setup in a 3-1.
- Be sure to introduce players to the correct futsal positions (GK, Fixo,
Right & Left Ala, Pivot).

- Use futsal rules - 1 passback to GK, 4 second rule on sidelines, kick-
ins, corners.

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