Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Possession (Passing, Receiving, Game Situational)

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Todd Abbey
Name: Todd Abbey
City: Fayetteville
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Initial Field Diagram

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Initial Field Diagram
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Initial Field Diagram

Always set up your field with the last progression in mind with the easiest path of transition possible.

In the case of these progressions, if done correctly, you will only move 4 cones between the 2nd and 3rd progression. (Unless you decide to add vertical 3rds. Then you will more than likely add 4 more cones that can be stacked on the central cones waiting for the last progression.)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression 1
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Progression 1

Set Up:

> 4 Cones, 20 yards apart in the shape of a diamond. 

> 4 Balls

> At least 12-18 players (3-4 players per cone)


1. Start with a ball with a player on each cone. (if you feel that 4 balls is too much to start with, adjust and start with 2 balls adjacent to each other, and add ball 3 and ball 4 as they get it)

2. The first player with a ball in each line will pass the ball to the right to the second player in line at the next cone. Then follows the the pass to the back of the  next line. 

3. This happens all around the grid continuously for whatever period of time they need to the coach feels they are doing everything correctly for a good time period. Then they can switch and go the opposite direction.

Coaching Points:

1. Make sure the players are using proper passing technique. Inside surface of their feet. 

2. Focus on proper passing weight and accuracy of passing the ball to the correct space for the receiving player to be successful with their first touch.

3. Make sure the receiving player is checking into receive the pass and not standing and waiting on the cone.

4. As the ball is received, focus on the player opening their hips and taking the first touch with the inside of their back foot towards the next cone. Players should not have to take more than two touches and for the purpose of this exercise, should not be using the outside of their feet to play the ball. You are trying to get a specific movement, passing and receiving technique. 

5. No walking after a pass. They must get to the next cone quickly. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression 2
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Progression 2

This progression adds longer and shorter passes with change of movement and weight on passes. It also incorporates small, quick passes through the middle, and using the width.

Set Up:

> 8 cones, 4 from the first progression stay in the diamond shape, and add 4 more to form a rectangle around the diamond that creates a 40 x 60 grid. 

> 4 balls (start with 2 balls and add ball 3 and ball 4 as the progression advances.)

> 12-18 players (See above for starting positions) (If you have more than 12, add them to the outside corner cones first)


1. Start balls at opposite corners.

2. Follow all of the instructions from the first progression. 

Coaching Points:

1. Follow the coaching points of the first progression.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression 3
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Progression 3

This progression now adds the element of attacking, defending and goals. The objective is to get players to use the same type of passing patterns and techniques while making it more game situational. 

Set Up:

> 8 Cones (Leave the four outer cones from your last progression, and move the diamond shaped middle cones to form a line in the muddle of the field to create 2 halves) (If you would like to set up verticle 3rds to give a greater understanding of spacing you can)

> 12-18 Players (if 12 players, create 5 vs 5 + 2 wide neutrals) (More players add neutrals to middle area if odd numbers, or create even teams, 6v6 or 8v8 in the middle) (Always have 2 outside neutrals that can switch with a middle player when goals are scored of after a certain amount of time)

> 4 small 4x6 goals (see diagram for location)

> 1 ball


> Each team must always have at least 2 players in each half of the field at all times. If 5v5 in the middle, it allows 1 player to roam anywhere. If you have more players, you can restrict more to halves or allow more to roam. Based on what you are trying to get out of the session. 

> Before a team can go to goal, they must make at least 2 passes from one half to the other, and play both outside neutrals. (Outside neutrals can move up and down the sideline, but can not score)


> Let them play. 

Coaching points:

> Are the player off the ball forming support angles for passes like the first two progressions?

> Are they moving the ball up, back and wide at a consistent rate?

> Are they looking for longer switches and short midfield combinations?

> When they receive a pass, are they opening their hips when applicable?

> Is their first touch productive and purposeful based on their intent?

> Are they recognizing the game situation? Do they realize when they have competed the restrictions? Are they continuing to look to combine once they have or is it breaking down to go straight to goal?

> Are they communicating?

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