Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Scissors + Feint

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Nicolas Pretelt

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Nicolas Pretelt
Name: Nicolas Pretelt
City: hamilton
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dev. Reps

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dev. Reps
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Dev. Reps (25 mins)


- Working in 3 seperate channels as shown.


1) Players working in groups of 4 as shown. 1 ball per group. Have additional balls at activity starting point to promote repetition when mistakes happen.

2) Players to dribble to end line. Messi touches.

3) When they get to end line the perform any turn they want. Purposeful turn to get turned quickly.

4) As soon as they turn they connect a pass to teammate at front of their working area's line.

5) After pass, passing player now defends passively to create a visual cue for attacking player.

6) Attacking player to perform move to advance beyond passive defender.

Coaching Points:

- Quality of approach (Messi Dribble, touch every step, eyes up)

- How to execute the move (Scissor - What) - Step to side of ball with standing foot, bring dribbling foot around the ball, push away with laces of standing foot.

- Timing of move (When) - Head up upon approach (to defender) to observe distance of 1st defender in relation to the ball (Is there space behind? Why)

- End Product (Direction and distance of second touch, after move) - In behind to get body across defender.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Indiv. Tactics

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Indiv. Tactics
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Indiv. Tactics (25 mins)


- Working in 3 seperate channels as shown.


1) Players working in groups of 4 as shown. 1 ball per group. Have additional balls at activity starting point to promote repetition when mistakes happen.

2) 1v1 game is started by defending player passing into attacker.

3) Attacker is looking to score by dribbling over end line. When defender wins the ball they transition to small goal.

4) As soon as goal is scored or ball leaves the area. Game ends. Players swap lines.

5) Repeats. Keep Score!

Coaching Points:

- Quality of approach (Messi Dribble, touch every step, eyes up)

- Timing of move (When) - Head up upon approach (to defender) to observe distance of 1st defender in relation to the ball (Is there space behind? Why)

- What is the speed in which the defender is pressing. Can I use their momentum to beat them without running at them with the ball?

- End Product (Direction and distance of second touch, after move) - In behind to get body across defender. Change of speed.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cond. Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cond. Game
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Cond. Game (20 mins)


- Size of area will depend on age and ability of your players. No larger than 30-40 area.

- Area seperated into 1/3's as shown.

- Have additional balls at the side to promote repetition.

- Coach is responsible to restarting activity when ball leaves the field.


- 3v3 small sided game.

- Each team has player situated on their end line as shown.

- Resting team act as bumbers on the outside of the field making sure the ball stays in bounds.

- When in possession team are looking to score by dribbling into opposite teams end zone.

- When this happens coach restarts game by playing a pass into scoring teams player on end line. (This player must be replaced by a temmate before team can score again).

- Attacking team can use end line player to recycle (retain) the ball when needed. At this point this player will dribble inside. (This player must be replaced by a temmate before team can score again).

- Play 3 min round of games - rotating teams.

Coaching Points:

- 2nd and 3rd attacker(s) to seperate (Establish width) from 1st attacker and opposition players to create 1v1 situation.

- Decision of 1st attacker - Do I play 1v1? Do I retain the ball (find a teammate)?

- Timing of move (When) - Head up upon approach (to defender) to observe distance of 1st defender in relation to the ball (Is there space behind? Why)

- What is the speed in which the defender is pressing. Can I use their momentum to beat them without running at them with the ball?

- Mobility of 2nd and 3rd attackers to find different spaces upon ball movement.

- End Product (Direction and distance of second touch, after move) - In behind to get body across defender. Change of speed.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game
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Game (20 mins)


- Have two 20x30 fields set up. Side by side.

- Make four teams of 3 players (based on training group of 12).

- Play round robin tournament.


- No conditions (free play)

Coaching Points:

1) Def - Att Transition - 2nd and 3rd attacker, stretch the field to create space for 1st attacker. Width, Length and Depth depending on where the ball is situated. This happens as soon as they win the ball.

2) 1st attackers decision. Do I play 1v1? Do I find a team mate?

3) Mobility of 3rd attacker as ball is moving when two players are combining. Where do they move to? Are they moving to receive the ball? Are they moving to create space (1v1)?

4) Att - Def Transition - How do we react when we lose the ball?

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button