Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Control and passing- 2v2 in the middle --FUsion SC, HS Team

Profile Summary

Name: J B
City: Brooklyn
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up
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Warm up (15 mins)


Cones laid out 18y apart. Separation between lines of cones is 8y.

Three players per line with one ball. One on each cone and one in the middle


Player in the middle works. Players on the cones are support players.

Pattern A: Middle player receives the ball, turns and passes to the player on the other end. Runs closer to the player to receive it again and send it to the other end.

- All players face the same way.

- Players rotate after every 3mins.

Pattern B: Short-short-long pattern

Coaching Points:

Receive with furthest foot

Check shoulder before turning

Pass with inside of the foot

On toes to receive the ball


Progress to small sided in same space

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small sided: 1v1 & 2v2 to targets

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small sided: 1v1 & 2v2 to targets
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Small sided: 1v1 & 2v2 to targets (20 mins)


Grids of 18L x 8W.

Four players outside - one on each one of the corners of the grid.

1v1 inside.


Exercise A:

The purpose is to sort out the 1v1 in the middle and get ball to either of the support players in the outside.

The game is bydirectional. The same player can score on both ends.

A point is granted to a player when he connects one end to the other.

As soon as the defender steals the ball, he becomes the attacker.

4 min games. Then, the two players in the middle switch with support players

Coaching Points:

Vary the way to run to create space.

Use the inside of the furthest foot to turn the ball from side to side.

Check shoulder to see where defender is.


Progress to Exercise B shown:

Move one of the players outside to become a defender. Move the other player outside to become the second attacker. This way now it is a 2v2.

Start off with 1v1 inside the square made by the yellow cones and red cones (9Lx8W)

The players have to connect in the middle to pass it ot the end, to score a point.

Progress to 2v1 everywhere.

Progress to full on 2v2.

Winners stay on.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small sided 2: 2v2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small sided 2: 2v2
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Small sided 2: 2v2 (25 mins)


15x15 square.

8 players per grid. 4 different teams of 2 players.

2v2 in the middle.


One team plays to yellow targets outside.

The other team plays to red targets.

A goal is scored by connecting one target to the other through the middle.

Games are 4mins long. Winner stays in.

Coaching Points:

Vary the way of running to dismark from the defender.

Turn with the furthest foot

Check should to see where space is

Use inside of the foot.


Make a 4v4 keep away.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Expanded Game: 2v2 in attacking third

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Expanded Game: 2v2 in attacking third
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Expanded Game: 2v2 in attacking third (30 mins)


3 grids in a field of 70Lx60W:

The grids on the goals are 25Lx60W. The grid in the middle is 20Lx60W.

3v3 + GK in the far ends.

The key aspect is to keep 2v2 in the middle

Players are restricted by their zone.


Team is to build through the zones to leave the forwards in finishing zone.

Ball always has to be on the ground.

The teams can jump zones as long as the ball is played on the ground.

When attackers loose the ball in the 2v2, they are suppossed to pressure right away

Coaching Points:

Turning with the furthest foot.

Know where defender is at all times -checking shoulder

Vary the way of running to dismark from defender


Take out lines/zones.

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