Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Breaking Lines (General Practice 1)

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Pro-Club: FAW Coach Ed

Dominic Doherty

Profile Summary

Dominic Doherty
Name: Dominic Doherty
City: Chester
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pitch Layout

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pitch Layout
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Pitch Layout

Pitch Layout: 

Area Size 30x25 

83.3m2 per player. 

Maintains intensity and encourages players to play quickly. 

Each small box = 15x12

Neutral Box = 4x4

11 players 

3 yellows 

4 blues 

4 reds

Time = 20 Minutes 

Block 1 = 4 minutes 

Block 2 = 4 Minutes 

Block 3 = 4 Minutes 

Block 4 = 4 Minutes

75% Ball rolling time. 


4 Mannequins 

4 flat markers. 

11 thin flats for two lines. 

4 red bibs 

4 blue bibs

3 yellow bibs.

Frame session on whiteboard. 

Coaching types: 




Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): General Practice

See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): General Practice
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General Practice (20 mins)



1 goal = Playing from one end to the other. 

2 goals = Playing from one end to the other via the middle neutral player in the box. 

The middle neutral player can move anywhere in the box to help create overloads. 

Neutral players at the top can move in between the mannequins to create passing angles.  

Neutral players play on two touches. 

Blues start with the ball. If the defenders win it back they become the attacking team. 

1st Block (4 minutes) = Players locked in zones apart from middle neutral player to help create overload. 

2nd Block (4 Minutes) = Players can move to the next vertical box but the rule is still 1 player per box (encourage rotations)

3rd Block (4 minutes) = Players can move in any box. 

4th block (4 minutes) = All players are on two touches. 

Technical Principles In Possession: 

Play through, around, or over. 

Make pitch big. 

Receive on angles.

Play quickly. 

Out of possession: 

Stay Narrow/Stop split passes

Force Outside 

Protect the middle

Fat pressure on the ball 

Protect space in behind


Can players try to break the lines with 1st time passes? 

Can players try to play on the back foot? 

Can players try to scan before they receive the ball? 

Drive-by examples:

Praise split passes. 

Praise 1st time passes. 

Praise receiving on the back foot. 

Help maintain intensity by praising defensive principles to encourage. 

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button