Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Academy U18 - Week 3 Practice 4 (Set Pieces - Corners) (Start Time: 2017-11-30 09:20:00)

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Am-Club: KC Prime Soccer Club

Joshua Welty

Profile Summary

Joshua Welty
Name: Joshua Welty
City: Kansas City
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Objective: To be organized and ready to make opportunities from/ or defend (and transition) agaist set pieces, specifically corners.

General Heading: Judge the line of flight, get in line of flight, and be on toes. Arch back, tuck chin, elbows out (to protect). Snap with abs, chin up, eyes open.

Defensive Heading: Leave late to attack the ball. One foot take off from run. Must jump first. Head through bottom half of ball. Height, Width, and Distance. Focus on making a head pass into transition.

Offensive Heading: Bend to side of field opposite of the ball. Leave late to attack the ball. One foot take off from run. Must jump first. Head through top half of ball. head ball down toward goal line.

Psychology of Winning: Remember where we are going. This is where we are now. This is what we need to do. And this is why I believe together we can do it.

College: Think about, and do imaginary role play in a conversation with a prospective college coach. What will they say? How will you answer? Ask questions!

Homework: Make sure all gear is organized and packed for the travel weekend.

Practice Mantras: Good is not good when better is expected. You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up - Dynamic Warm Up & Ladders

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up - Dynamic Warm Up & Ladders
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Warm Up - Dynamic Warm Up & Ladders (15 mins)

Organization: Dynamic Warm Up 2 rows 10 yrds apart of 5 cones placed 5 yds apart, half of each team in each line. Speed Ladders 2 Speed Ladders and a cone 10 yards further

Instructions: Dynamic Warm Up (All x2) 1. Jog 2. Open the Gate 3. Close the Gate 4. Circling Partner 5. Jumping with Shoulder Contact 6. Up 2, Back 1 Sprints 7. Sprints 8. Planks & Alternate Leg Planks (30 sec) Allow players 2 minutes to recover and Static Strech what is needed. Speed Ladders (All x2) 1. 1 foot in 2. 2 feet in 3. Slalom Forward 2 feet in, 2 feet out 4. Slalom Backward 2 feet in, 2 feet out 5. Sideways Left 2 feet in 6. Sideways Right 2 feet in 7. Feet together 2 hops forward, 1 hop back 8. Right Foot 2 hops forward, 1 hop back 9. Lef Foot 2 hops forward, 1 hop back. After finishing a ladder player sprints to cone, then jogs back.

Coaching Points: 1. Jog (keep body straight, Knees straight) 2. Open the Gate (Horizontal Pelvis, Core Still, Hip Knee & Foot of support leg aligned) 3. Close the Gate (Horizontal Pelvis, Core Still, Hip Knee & Foot of support leg aligned) 4. Circling Partner (Face forward & Look Forwad, Knees slightly bent, on balls of feet) 5. Jumping with Shoulder Contact (Land on both feet with hips & knees bent) 6. Up 2, Back 1 Sprints (Keep body in line, on balls of feet) 7. Sprints (Go full Speed, On Balls of Feet) 8. Planks (Body in straight line, elboys under shoulders, tighten abs & glutes) Speed Ladders On balls of feet, try to be faster, finish out the full sprint.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Heading Practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Heading Practice
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Heading Practice (10 mins)

Heading Practice 1: Pairs of players with a ball about 5 yds apart. 1 player is the server. Heading player heads ball back to server, takes a knee, heads 2nd ball, takes 2 knees, heads 3rd, back up on one knee, heads 4th, and returns to standing. 4-5 reps each. Defensive Heading: Players in groups of 3. Middle player is the server, and header tries to get the ball up and over the server to the 3rd player behind. 10-12 Reps each. Head Flicks: In groups of 3s. One end player serves the middle player who flicks the ball to the opposite end player. 10-12 Reps. Switch roles.

Heading Game: Split team into 2 groups. Blue team has to place the hands on each others shoulders and stay as one GK only keeping the ball out with head or any part of their body not hands. the only players allowed to use hands are each end person right hand and left from each side. White team has 3 minutes to score as many headers as they can, balls are served from behind a cone into an area for team mate to attack, always play space for attacker to attack the header. After the server has served the ball he becomes the next person to head the ball. Switch roles.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Standard Corner - Attacking

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Standard Corner - Attacking
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Standard Corner - Attacking (10 mins)

Instructions: Player 1: Stands next to GK, while trying to keep/disrupt/block the GK from coming off the line. Player 2: Stands on far post, makes a short 5 yd run away from kick and then back to near post. Player 3: Makes a short 2yd run as if heading to the near post and then bends run behind other players to go late far post. Player 4: Makes a short 2 yd run to far post and adjusts his route to finish at the near post. Player 5: Makes a run to the far post. Player 6: Makes a short run away and then back to and makes a run to the penalty spot. Player 7: Either makes a run to the top of the "D" or makes a run to the far corner of the penalty box to support anything that runs through. 2 Defensive Backs: Always out number any strikers 2:1 to delay in case of a transition. Can pull Player 7 and Player 2 if needed.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Mid Corner - Attacking

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Mid Corner - Attacking
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Mid Corner - Attacking (10 mins)

Instructions: Player 1: Stands next to GK, while trying to keep/disrupt/block the GK from coming off the line. Player 2: Stands on far post, makes a run away from kick to the opposite corner of the box. Player 3: Makes a short 2yd run as if heading to the near post and then bends run behind other players to go late far post. Player 4: Makes a short 2 yd run to far post and adjusts his route to finish at the near post. Player 5: Makes a run to the far post. Player 6: Makes a short run away and then back to and makes a run to the penalty spot. Player 7: Makes a run to theneaar corner of the box, and recieves pass for an attempt on goal. 2 Defensive Backs: Always out number any strikers 2:1 to delay in case of a transition. Can pull Players 3,4,5,6 if needed.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Short Corner - Attacking

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Short Corner - Attacking
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Short Corner - Attacking (10 mins)

Instructions: Player 1: Makes a late run to check into the service and recieves a pass, opens up and plays player 7. Player 2: Makes a run to the opposite corner of the box, waiting to play anything that runs through. Player 3: Makes a short 2yd run as if heading to the near post and then bends run behind other players to go late far post. Player 4: Makes a short run to far post. Player 5: Makes a run to the far post. Player 6: Makes a short run away and then back to and makes a run to the penalty spot. Player 7: Makes a run to the near corner of the box, and recieves pass from Player 1 and gives ball back to server for an attempt on goal. Server should dribble/drive at the near post, and shoot or pass to players at far post. 2 Defensive Backs: Always out number any strikers 2:1 to delay in case of a transition. Can pull Players 3,4,5,6 if needed.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending a Standard Corner

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending a Standard Corner
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Defending a Standard Corner (10 mins)

Organization: All corners are defended the same way, zonally. Assign 1 person to be in charge of everyone's positioning.

Instructions: Player 1: Positioned on near edge of the 18 closest to the corner kick. This discourages any short or mid corner, and this player is positioned to be able to defend any shorter play. This also forces the kicker to play an aerial ball over him, giving the GK, who has hands, an advantage. Player 2: On near post, to (1) assist the GK in tending the goal, (2) be able to press any short play with Player 1. Player 3: On the back post to (1) assist the GK in tending the goal, and (2) if the GK misses an attempt on the ball, provides cover to defend the goal. Player 4: Job is to keep any player from trying to impede or interfere with the GK without incurring a foul. Players 5 & 6: Placed on the corners of the 6 yd box. Should be good headers. Player 7: On the penalty Spot. Players 8 & 9: Helping any loose balls clear the area. Player 10: Near 1/2 line, looking to recieve, and hold, any cleared ball and transition to attack.

Coaching Points: Get the 1st touch on the ball. Play Zone: Don't chase the ball, but be ready to press. Stay within 2-3yds of your position unless you must go. Trust your teammates to do their jobs. Be aware of runners to press. Track runners in your zone and pass on (communicate) to other players. Always face the ball and be aware of quick corners. Keep goal side of attacker. Clear first, then try to transition - don't give up a 2nd chance on goal.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending Short and Middle Corners

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending Short and Middle Corners
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Defending Short and Middle Corners (10 mins)

Organization: All corners are defended the same way, zonally. Assign 1 person to be in charge of everyone's positioning.

Instructions: Player 1: Positioned on near edge of the 18 closest to the corner kick. This discourages any short or mid corner, and this player is positioned to be able to defend any shorter play. On a short corner, gives immediate pressure on the ball. Player 2: On near post, to JOins in Pressing with player 1 and cuts off pass to the corner taker. Player 3: On the back post to (1) assist the GK in tending the goal, and (2) if the GK misses an attempt on the ball, provides cover to defend the goal. Player 4: Job is to keep any player from trying to impede or interfere with the GK without incurring a foul. Players 5 & 6: Placed on the corners of the 6 yd box. Should be good headers. Player 7: On the penalty Spot. Players 8 & 9: Helping any loose balls clear the area. Player 10: Near 1/2 line, looking to recieve, and hold, any cleared ball and transition to attack.

Coaching Points: On Short and Middle corners, always press the ball with 2-3 players to create a 2v2 or 3v2 situation, avoiding the 2v1 situation desired by the offense. Play Zone: Don't chase the ball, but be ready to press. Stay within 2-3yds of your position unless you must go. Trust your teammates to do their jobs. Be aware of runners to press. Track runners in your zone and pass on (communicate) to other players. Always face the ball and be aware of quick corners. Keep goal side of attacker. Clear first, then try to transition - don't give up a 2nd chance on goal.

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