Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): Counter Attacks/Recovery Runs

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Ross Struel-clarke

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Ross Struel-clarke
Name: Ross Struel-clarke
City: Swansea
Country: Singapore
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5 v 5 Counter attack/press

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5 v 5 Counter attack/press
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5 v 5 Counter attack/press (20 mins)

Session Set Up

Matchday -2, box to box practice- Width and length of 18 yard boxes.

3 teams of 5 with GK's.

5 attackers v 3 defenders (+2 recovery defenders)

4 mini goals on half way line (two facing one way and two the other way)

2 Mannequins- as guides for starting positions of recovery defenders. 

Coach (black)- lots of balls on the side.

Session Explanation

In example above (one team resting on other side of pitch) - the yellow team are attacking the 3 blue defenders. As soon as the yellow teams ball crosses the poles (shaded zone) the two blue defenders standing by mannequins can try to sprint back and recover.

Focus on fast attack play- can you attack with intensity and exploit the 5 v 3 overload before recovery defenders come back..

If yellow team is successful and score they get to attack the red defenders on the other half.

If defensive team win the ball on the transition it's 5 passes or score into the two mini goals to flip the game and then become the attacking team on the other other half of the field. 

Key Coaching Points

1.Main Principle- First pass/decision

In possession- Sub principle- Space to hurt/Forward Runners/Quality in possession/distance of first touch.       

Out of possession- Sub Principle- Travelling Together/Balance behind ball

2.Main Principle- Recovery/stopping the counter (counterpressure)

In possession sub principle- Positional discipline

Out of possession sub principle- players closest to the ball sprint to ball and apply pressure.

-Importance of counter press after losing possession- Positive reaction

-Important players make use of the 5 v 3 situation before recovery players get back.

-Maximise width of the 5 attackers- make field as big as possible.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 v 3 + Gk's Counter attack/press

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 v 3 + Gk's Counter attack/press
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3 v 3 + Gk's Counter attack/press (20 mins)

Session Set Up


Pitch size- Half way line to penalty spot or 18 yard line depending on field size

3 teams of 3 plus 3 G.K's.

3 reds attackers v 3 white defenders- Blue team rest and become feeders (roles change after one set).

3 mini goals on half way line

10 yard line where attacking players must stand at the start of the drill.

2 big goals- Two Gk's in the goals and 1 G.K in middle.

All balls start at G.K's end

Session Explanation

3 attackers (red) v 3 recovery defenders (white)

GK's (green) clip the ball to red attacking player opposite.

White defenders start beside goals on half way line. As soon as attacking players directly in front of them take their first touch, defenders (whites) try to recover back.

The two wider red attacking players play a one-two around the mannequin with blue player and then shoot at goal.The middle red attacking player plays a one-two with the middle GK (green) and turns and starts attack the other way. The 3 reds then go 3 v 3 against the 3 whites and try to score in the 3 mini goals on the halfway line.

On transition- if white team wins the ball they then attack the two big goals with G.K’s.

Then alternate groups, swapping roles.

Key Coaching Points

Execute last action with quality under pressure.

Slow things down in your mind, but the movements are fast.

Attract and bypass- be comfortable in possession.Try to commit and draw players in so you can switch and break lines to score.

1.Main Principle- First pass/decision

In possession- Sub principle- Space to hurt/Forward Runners in 3 v 3 situation/Quality of pass       

Out of possession- Sub Principle- Travelling Together/Balance behind ball in case possession is lost.

2.Main Principle- Recovery/stopping the counter (counterpressure)

In possesion sub principle- Positional discipline

Out of possession sub principle- players closest to the ball sprint to ball. Try to prevent counter attack. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Wave Practice- 3 v 2 to 4 v 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Wave Practice- 3 v 2 to 4 v 3
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Wave Practice- 3 v 2 to 4 v 3 (20 mins)

Session Set Up

Box to box set up - 18 yard line to 18 yard line,

12 to 15 players- This session can be catered to most numbers.

Position specific- 2 G.K's, 2 red defenders in middleare CB’s- Two red players by mannequins are FB’s. G.K or coach looks to releaseto FB every time attack starts in the 4 v 3. After each phase the centraldefenders swap with FB’s. Work to rest ratio 1:3

The 3 Blues will be forward players working onforward play and recovery runs after attacking.

Mannequins and poles used as starting point for FB's

Coach on side with balls ready to kick in.

Session Explanation

3 v 2 to begin- 3 attacking blues v 2 defendingreds. Blues try to score in the overload situation.

The 3 Blues have one touch in build up in own half and when they cross over the half way line to attack the red defenders it's unlimited touches.

Wave practice- After the blues attack finishes the coachkicks a ball in and the game flips and the two red wide men by the mannequinsjoin in starting an attack in the opposite direction creating a 4 v 3- The 3 blues need torecover against the 4 reds.


Attacking team (Blues in example) must score in shaded area and can't shoot outside it. Can attacking team use quick passing combinations to get into shooting zone.

Look at intensity of recovery runs if goalkeeper or coach starts attack in the other direction creating a  4 v 3.

Key Coaching Points

Gather speed and momentum in build up and stay fast. Runners making penetrative runs. Players on the ball driving at the opposition drawing them in. 

Encourage overlaps/underlaps/crossovers

Travel with the game on counter attack- everyone stayconnected.

In possession- high intensity attacks, which disruptopposition organisation- Identify when to draw in defender to release a pass toa player for a scoring opportunity.

Out of possession (recovery runs)- try to getback as fast as you can.

Delay attack if possible and force away fromgoal. Wait for numbers to get back and once the attack has been delayed getback into a defensive shape and press opposition player showing them away fromgoal again.

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