Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): Dynamic Stretch / SAQ Warm Up (Start Time: 2017-04-13 14:00:00)

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Tel Nicolaou
Name: Tel Nicolaou
Country: Australia
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Dynamic Warm Up / SAQ Drills

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dynamic Stretch Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dynamic Stretch Warm Up
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Dynamic Stretch Warm Up (10 mins)

Warm up - Dynamic Stretch with small hurdles/Poles (on the ground)

Time:15 minutes) Poles 2 - 3mtrs apart

1.Start with straight runs over the poles, peel off the outside and jogging back

2.Run backwards over poles

3.Karoeke alternating sides in between the lines

4. 1 leg straight high knee, change between poles

5.1 leg straight heel kicks change between poles

6.Fwd skip with groin open and backward skip with groin opener ,change betwen poles

7. Face sideway, short steps, change direction between poles

8. Karoeke with raised groin stretch

9. Fwd runs, quick feet fwd - back - fwd over poles

10. Fwd runs to poles, quick side step out then in and over (slight squat when sideways)

11. Quick feet fwd and over - back - side out - side in and fwd

12. Fwd run, 2 feet jump over, backwards then header

13. Straight leg kicks fwd (give yourself room)

14. Straight leg back kicks

15. Side volley stretch, right and left

16. Quad stretch / List knee to chest

17. Fwd lift, swing back stretch

18. Side walking groin stretch

19. Pick up pace between poles,

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SAQ Drills

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SAQ Drills
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SAQ Drills (10 mins)

1.Facing fwd, quick feet over hurdles left and the sprint to the right, and alternate quick feet to the right and sprint to left marker.

2. Facing with back towards markers, side step over hurdlers, turn and sprint to diagonal markers.

3.Side step hurdles, then sprint left around 1st marker, then right around 2nd marker.

4. Side step 1st hurdle, move back behind 2dn hurdle, side step 3rd hurdle, then sprint diagonally past 2 markers.

Note:Both teams sprint in the same direction.

Make sure you start on coaches call / whistle.

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