Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Attacking Set pieces x 4

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Davie Wilson
Name: Davie Wilson
City: Gibraltar
Country: Gibraltar
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking Corner 2 - Battering Ram

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking Corner 2 - Battering Ram
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Attacking Corner 2 - Battering Ram

Key Factors

  • FIRST Corner - our Right side or left side both players out to it.
  • Target Area - Pen Spot to Far Post


5 PLAYERS 3 and 2 runners start in a position not too close, on the dropped Arm the 3 or the 2 then move out as a unit see if they follow you and create space as you attack the front post.

No 8 or striker just be on move in box, circle the keeper, but don't leave area until no7 gets to D on edge 18.  And this triggers all Runners.  The reason for the second corner taker to move to edge?  Most won first post balls land in this area.. gives you a volley or strike at goal.


No8 Movement circular to front post and backwards out  

1st 3 of 5 runners start their runs to 1. beyond front post 2. front post 3. keeper  As they arrive Corner taker wips ball with power and pace to area between penalty spot and back post for 2 or 3 runners to target.  Aim to hit  the area between the 6Yard and pen spot that way if slightly over hit its still in the score and action zone..   

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking Corner - Battering Ram - Top of Box Shot

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking Corner - Battering Ram - Top of Box Shot
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Attacking Corner - Battering Ram - Top of Box Shot

Key Factors (Bouncing ball)

  • 2nd Corner on our Right Side
  • Corner starts with 8 Moving and running directly at near post zone defender to draw attention
  • #2 and #4 have the responsibility to help 6 lose his marker if possible
  • 2, 5, 4, 3, replicate Battering Ram and follow runs through to draw zonal defenders attention
  • #6 peels to edge of box for shot



Right side corner Ball out to #6 David Right foot Shot or left side #6 Luke left foot shot until told otherwise.   

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking Corner 3 - Coming Late

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking Corner 3 - Coming Late
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Attacking Corner 3 - Coming Late

Alternative Corner Game 2 or 3 

Key Factors 

  • 1 must stay away from corner to look uninterested 
  • Runners don't go too early.  Fake forward runs but then come backwards out the box
  • Player 1 b efore corenr is taken get out area you want ball move centrally un-interested, then work back at speed
  • Pleyer seven play short then shape to cross but send ball out to edge, as ball arrives at egde 2/3/4/5 start your runs to box,
  • 1 takes 1 touch then delivers MUST MISS FIRST MAN

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking Corner & throw in1 - The Break Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking Corner & throw in1 - The Break Up
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking Corner & throw in1 - The Break Up Create Video:

Attacking Corner & throw in1 - The Break Up

Key Factors  2 Arms with ball in them above head in air


different set up for attacking 5 players, 3 on 18 in line with pen spot and 2 in battering ram position

No7 still makes run to cover front post clearance 8 come out to mingle with 3 attacking players timing of corner is on 7 and 8 arriving in postion.

2 runners from edge to front and just inside front, 2 from ram middle and just inside back, final runner from edge looping back post run

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