Carl Spence
Name: | Carl Spence |
City: | New Milford |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
Increasing GKs foot speed and positioning before a save
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Cones are set up 2 yards apart as shown in diagram
tall cone is about 4-5yards off center of semi-circle (cones)
Goalkeepers work in pairs
With partner-
Goalkeeper starts at tall cone and wait for color instructions. Whenever a color cone is called he/she quickly advances to to color then shuffles back to starting position.
goalkeepers work for a minute each then switch positions
GK should call out each color get quickly to and aroud each cone and back to starting spot as fast as possibile try to beat ur time for each color on every consequent attempt
Balls can be placed at each cone to encourage a smother or collapse dive to ball after reaching each color
Coaching Points:
Goalkeepers should stay on the balls of feet at all times in ready position
quickly advance to cone then slow down into ready postion as they get closer to cone
shuffle backwards to starting position
1. two or three colors are called and goalkeeper goes to ever color then back to starting position
2. Partner serves a ball which goalkeeper has to catch, release then return
Estimate Time: 10mins (1min hard 1min rest for 5 reps - half with balls half without)
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
- Cones are set up 6 yards apart as shown in diagram
- starting gate is on goal line or whereever space is available
- Goalkeepers work in pairs (preferably)
With partner-
Goalkeeper starts at coned gate and waits for color instructions. Whenever a color cone is called he/she quickly advances (employs dynamic movement ex, sprint, stalking) to to color then shuffles back to starting position.
goalkeepers work for a minute each then switch positions
GK should call out each color advances (employs dynamic movement eg., sprint, stalking) quickly to and aroud each cone and back to starting spot as fast as possibile try to beat ur time for each color on every consequent attempt
Balls can be placed at each cone to encourage a smother or collapse dive to ball after reaching each color
Coaching Points:
Goalkeepers should stay on the balls of feet at all times in ready position
quickly advance to cone then slow down into ready postion as they get closer to cone
shuffle backwards to starting position
1. two or three colors are called and goalkeeper goes to ever color then back to starting position
2. Partner serves a ball which goalkeeper has to catch, release then return
Estimate Time: 12mins (1min hard 1min rest for 6reps- 2 without balls 4 with balls)
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
cones, balls
- Green gate is 6yds wide, 6yds from goal line
- Blue cone is 13yds from goal line but 3-5yds from closest green cone
- Red cones are 3-5 yards from blue cones but on or behind 6yd line
Green = go or shuffle
Blue = Sprint
Red = backward run or crossover
Yellow = Start/backward shuffle
GK does movement related to color following arrows from start to finish.
Ball is served at each station or random station by partner, keeper must make save
Time Estimate - 15 minutes 5-8reps
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
- Gk/s juggle with both feet and fist
- GK reflex catches
- GK stretches
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Warm Up (15 mins)
cones, ladders, and or rocks in you have nothing to use
- ladder or 1st cone starts 5 yards from the goal line
- goal at the top of the ladder/cone is 6 yards away
1. Move through ladders or cones usind dynamic footwork motion. Ex. hops - forward + side ways, one foot, both feet, shuffles etc.
NB. complete two of each motion and try to move feet quicker on every second attempt
2. When you get to the last cone/ladder
- if working alone end in a front smother save
- if with a partner each rep should end with an easy shot to body
Time Estimate - 10-15 minutes