Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Team Balance

Profile Summary

Paul Musacchio
Name: Paul Musacchio
City: Manchester
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up: Hunters

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up: Hunters
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Warm-up: Hunters (10 mins)


In a group of approximately 12 players, 8 players would have a ball and the other 4 will not have a ball. On the coaches signal the “dribblers” will dribble in the grid trying to stay away from the “Hunters” who do NOT have a ball. The “Hunters” try to take a ball from the “dribblers”. If a “dirbbler’s” ball is stolen, the dribbler then instantly becomes a Hunter and the Hunter that stole the ball becomes the new dribbler. Play two or three rounds and encourage high energy from the Hunters to get to the player dribbling.

-How can the hunters be more successful?

-Do the hunters need to get to the dribbler fast or slow?

Coaching Points:

-Bend your knees, stay low, and light on your feet

-Keep your eyes on the ball

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Global - SSG Defending in Balance

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Global - SSG Defending in Balance
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Global - SSG Defending in Balance (15 mins)


-create grid 40x 20yds (2x)

-endzones are 5yds

-3v3 games


We are looking for how well you can defend as a unit.

Teams proceed to attack opponents 3v3 & move the ball (under control) into opponents’ end zone to score.

Coaching Points:

-Pressing distance, stance & balance.

-Support distance, depth, angle & team balance.

-Tracking runners whilst maintaining sight of the ball & developing play.

-Defending against wall-passes & movement of Attackers.


- Add 1 player on each side line to assist team in possession & increase potential to make wall-passes.

- Add 1 player in opponent’s end zone to play into & receive a return pass before entering end zone: this increases need for D’s to consider screening passes to Attackers.

Coaching Points:

-Early decision to attack or defend.

-Take personal responsibility for opponent when deciding to defend.

-Press, cover, support & track opponents.

-Concentration & managing player inter-changes of position, as a unit of three.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Analytical - 3v2 to 2v1 Transition

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Analytical - 3v2 to 2v1 Transition
Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Analytical - 3v2 to 2v1 Transition Create Video:

Analytical - 3v2 to 2v1 Transition (15 mins)


-see diagram for setup

-half field & 2 pug net

-two teams - even out the groups

-bunch of balls


-defenders play a pass into the attacking team for a 3vs2

-as the ball is played out 2 defenders come out and defend

-if attacking team scores or ball goes out of bounds, or goalie makes a save, the person who shot the ball or lost control of the ball becomes the defender for a 2vs1 going the other way, the other 2 players get quickly get bacl to their line. The coach will quickly play a passs into the dark blue team for a 2vs1 attack going the other way. After a goal, or ball out of bounds play is restarted again after the 2vs1 attack.

Coaching Points:

-attack the defender with speed; quick decesion making; communications;good passing; shoot to score; movement off the ball

Defending Side:

-pressure the attacker; don't dive in; force them outside away from goal; quickly get back and defend against the 2vs1; quickly transition to attack

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Global - SSG Defending

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Global - SSG Defending
Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Global - SSG Defending Create Video:

Global - SSG Defending (15 mins)


-10 to 12 players

-25x20 area

-see diagram for equipment and set-up


4v4/5v5/6v6 SSG with man-to-man marking. Each player pairs up with a player from the opposite team, their responsibility when defending is to know where that player is and prevent them from scoring.

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