Wayne Ashbrook
Name: | Wayne Ashbrook |
City: | Dublin |
Country: | Ireland |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
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Method: Defending in a 1-2-3-1 vs 1-2-3-1 (ID line of pressure)
Coaching Points:
1. Coaching Blue Team - Blue 9 will IDENTIFY line of pressure - arc your run to stop Green 4 playing it back to keeper and out to Green 5 (switching play).....forcing him to play into Green 8.
2. We will coach Green 4 & 5 to have body shape open, recieve pass on back foot. We will also ask Green 5 to tuck across in the event of a transition.
3 Blue team told to shift over to the right.....MOVING WITH THE BALL. Blue 10 to get in front (goal side) & shield the Green 6.
4. Green team will also naturally follow the play.....to make this real they may not to be told!
5. Blue 9 will Shield 6 and then press either Green 4 of 5 ... in this instance ball played to Green 4.
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Method:Defending in a 1-2-3-1 vs 1-2-3-1 (Moving with the ball and remaining compact)
Coaching Points:
1. By shifting over as a group you can see how blue team remains COMPACT (shaded area) , making it difficult for Greens to play through the middle.
2. Blue 6 to remain on the inside of Green 10, and in a position to intercept the pass. Then there is no out if green try to switch the play.
3. Blue ten can block off pass to to Green 6 and can be ready to press Green 5 if Green 4 manages to go back to Green keeper or direct to Green 5.
4. Similarly Blue 6 can screen Green 9 and mark Green 10.....blues are now defending compact and as a team.
5. Blue team DEPTH is good and no big gaps between attack/mids/defence......Blue 4 &5 can help by talking to Blue 6,8 &10 as they can see more of pitch
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Method:Defending in a 1-2-3-1 vs 1-2-3-1 (Blue 9 forces Green 4 to recycle back to GK or to Green 5)
Coaching Points:.
1. Blue 9s movement can force Green 4 to back to GK and he plays it to green 5 this is the trigger for Blue 10 to now press green 5.....this trigger will mean all of blue team need to shift across left.
2. Blue 9 will now mark Green 6 preventing greens playing into the centre area...Blue 9 has to be in front of 6
3. Blue 6 marks Green 10..staying inside but tight.
5. Blue 8 shifts over into the centre .......blue 6 & 8 need to be inside green 8 & 10 forcing them out and Blue 6 can shield Green 9.
6. Green 9 will automatically shift over, Blue 4 will be in front shielding a pass , Blue 5 will cover area behind the Green 9......Note blue 6 can also screen Green 9.
7. Blue 4, 5 and GK be ready for a LONG BALL if Green 5 tries that option. Blue 5 will cover as he is in behind.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Method: Defending in a 1-2-3-1 vs 1-2-3-1 (moving with the ball, staying compact, identifying the line of pressure and the trigger movement.
Coaching Points:
1. Blue 10 presses Green 5 by arcing his run preventing a ball back into Green 6. Blue 9 now drops in as a 10 & marks Green 6 . Blue 6 gets tight on Green 10. Blue 8 drops across with the play and shield a pass into Green 9
2 In this instance 10 has identified the line of pressure. His movement is the trigger for the rest of blue to move as a team. Blue 5 is now the covering defender behind the Green 9. Blue 4 is on his shoulder shielding a pass.
3. If Green 10 recieves the pass Blue 9 can around to shield the pass back into Green 6.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Coaching Points:
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Coaching Points:
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Coaching Points:
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Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
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Screen 1
Method: Defending in a 1-2-3-1 vs 1-2-3-1 (Starting play)
Coaching Points:
1. Coaching Blue Team defending through the midfield.
2. Prevent Green team building up through the middle
3. ID & establish LINE OF PRESSURE (BLUE 9)
4. Stay COMPACT & MOVE as a team .....ball moves team moves with it!
5. Green team STARTS each play from GK
6. Ball goes out of play restart with green GK .. NO throws or corners