Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Mini Kick: Cars Session

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Kelsey Labas

Profile Summary

Kelsey Labas
Name: Kelsey Labas
City: Nyack
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cars!

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cars!
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Cars! (15 mins)


- 25x25 area.

- 10 players, ball each.

- Green cone: GO!

- Yellow cone: Get ready...

- Red cone: Stop!


Coach Is A Traffic Cop

Players dribble their car (soccer ball) around the city.

Coach calls out color - Red Yellow Green - for players to react to.

- A Progression Coach Holds Up A Cone (Red, Yellow, Green) so players need to look up

Can players drive at different speeds? Grandma car (slow), dads car (fast), Super car (super fast!).

Coaching Points:

- Small touches, keep ball close.

- Head up, identify space.

- What parts of the foot can you dribble with?


- Coach holds up new cone without shouting out to players.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Speed bumps

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Speed bumps
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Speed bumps (15 mins)


- 25x25 area

- 9 players with cars (balls)

- 1 parking attendant


Players try to make their way to the city, but have to navigate through all the speed bumps. Can you avoiding hitting any speed bumps?

The Traffic Cop (Coach) added who tries to stop players getting to city.

If Police Offcer puts their foot on their soccer ball (he writes a pretend ticket) and you have to start over

Coaching Points:

- Little touches in little space. Bigger touches in bigger space.

- What can you do if defender blocks your path?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tour the City

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tour the City
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Tour the City (15 mins)




- Players are driving from Rye Brook to The City

- The Traffic Cop is here to make sure that everyone is getting to the City + Home Safe! (Coach/Parent Coach/Volunteer) Players must be GOOD drivers (keep their soccer ball close and under control)

- If you dribble OFF THE ROAD or (out of bounds) the Traffic Cop STOPS YOUR CAR (foot on the soccer ball)

- You Go To Help The Traffic Cop + Are A Tagger

- Last driver wins!

Coaching Points/Questions:

- Where are the 'Traffic Cops'?

- Where is the space?

- Where are the natural boundaries?

- What size touch?


R - lose ball, extra life

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cops and Robbers

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cops and Robbers
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Cops and Robbers (15 mins)


25x25 area.

8 robbers (ball each).

2 pinnied cops (without ball).

Two 10x5 squares (jail) on either side of area.


Robbers are driving around the city with their loot, trying to escape the cops. Cops must try to tag the robbers and throw them in jail, located on either side of the area. Robbers must complete 5 toe taps to escape jail and return to the city.

Coaching Points:

- Toe taps - can we dance on the ball with each foot?

- How can we keep our distance from robbers?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Parking Garage

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Parking Garage
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Parking Garage


- 25x25 area.

- 5x5 central box with groups soccer balls.

- One 5x5 box in each corner of the area. One box per team.


Super car's have been parked in a lot, and its the players job to get as many of them back to their parking garage as possible. Players run out as fast as they can and drive the car back to their garage, before tagging their team mate who will go next. Winning team is the one with most super cars in their garage.

Coaching Points:

- Apply coaching points learned throughout session.


- Once all cars have left the lot, players can steal cars from other garages.

Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button