Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Running with the ball

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Carl Spence

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Carl Spence
Name: Carl Spence
City: New Milford
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up
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Warm up


1.30 x 30 yard area set up as shown

2.12 players set up as shown

3.1 ball per player

4.Assign each side a number as shown


1.Coach calls number one or two

2.Players on the corresponding sides to the number called run with the ball to the opposite sides

3.Players race each other to stop ball on opposing line

Coaching Points:

1.Positive first touch out of the feet

2.Head up and observe situation

3.Head down when playing the ball to ensure good contact

4.Play with the laces of the foot closest to the ball


P – Call both numbers at the same time to make players make a decision on when to run with the ball and when to dribble

R – Each side is given its own number (1 - 4), and numbers are called out one at a time

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme
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Main Theme


1.30 x 30 yard area set up as shown

2.12 players set up as shown

3.6 balls (Additional around the outside)


1.Servers play ball into feet of players inside area

2.Players must then speed dribble to leave the ball at a different server’s feet (see A)

3.Coach must be strict to ensure players do not pass to target

4.Player then turns to receive pass from a different server, before repeating process (see B)

5.1 point is scored each time a ball is moved from server to server

6.Play for 60 seconds before rotating roles

Coaching Points:

1.Positive first touch out of the feet

2.Select the appropriate controlling surface

3.Head up and observe situation

4.Head down when playing the ball to ensure good contact

5.Execution of final action


P – Force players to look over their shoulder as the ball is traveling. Ask them to shout how many servers on the opposite side of the square do not have a ball at their feet.

R – Players can return ball to the same server that played ball to them initially

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme
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Main Theme


1.30 x 10 yard area set up as shown

2.6 players set up as shown

3.1 ball (Additional around the outside)


1.Player A accelerates towards opposite end of area

2.When adjacent with the opposite gate, player A passes through the gate to player B

3.Player A continues run to join the back of the opposite line

4.Player B repeats in opposite direction

Coaching Points:

1.Positive first touch out of the feet

2.Select the appropriate controlling surface

3.Play with the laces of the foot closet to the ball

4.Fewest number of touches to cover the distance quickly

5.Run in a straight line

6.Execution of final action


P – Both lines start with a ball at the same time. If a player overtakes or tags the player in front of them they score a point. First individual to 3 points wins.

R – Width of area is narrowed to 5 yards, and gates are increased to 4 yards each, thus enabling an easier final pass.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme
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Main Theme


1.30 x 15 yard area set up as shown

2.12 players (2 Teams of 6)

3.3 players from each team situated on diagonally opposite markers set up as shown

4.Supply of balls at half way line with coach


1.Coach plays ball into feet of attacking player A

2.Player A must dribble ball over half way line

3.On player A’s first touch, the defender on his side may chase him, attempting to tag him before the line

4.After crossing the line, player A is safe, and passes the ball to feet of his teammate B

5.Player A and the chasing defender rejoin their team on opposite sides

6.Player B repeats in opposite direction, with the defender chasing on his first touch

7.Roles change when the attacking player is tagged before the half way line

Coaching Points:

1.Positive first touch out of the feet

2.Select the appropriate controlling surface

3.Fewest number of touches to cover the distance quickly

4.Run in a straight line

5.Execution of final action


P – Defending player can move to chase attacker as soon as his team mate passes the ball

P – Defending player can move to chase attacker as soon as his team mate crosses the half way line

R – Field is widened to increase starting distance between attacker and chasing defender

R – Defender must wait for attacker’s second touch before chasing to tag them

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned game
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Conditioned game


1.50 x 30 yard area set up as shown

2.12 players (2 Teams of 4, with 2 Neutral players, and 2 Goalkeepers) set up as shown

3.Supply of balls by each goal


1.Teams play 4 v 4 with goalkeepers

2.Teams must look to pass to neutral player in channel, who has max of 3 touches with no opposition

3.No defensive player can enter safe channel to challenge attacker

4.If more than 3 touches are taken by neutral player, possession is surrendered to other team, with a pass infield

5.If ball goes out, opposing goalkeeper restarts – no throw ins, corners or goal kicks

Coaching Points:

1.Positive first touch out of the feet

2.Select the appropriate controlling surface

3.Head up and observe situation

4.Play with the laces of the foot closet to the ball

5.Fewest number of touches to cover the distance quickly

6.Execution of final action


P – After a pass enters the safe channel, one defensive player may enter the channel behind the point where the ball entered. Should they make an effective challenge, resulting in the ball going out of play, play will restart from their goalkeeper

R – Players may take up to 5 touches in the safe zone, with no defensive players allowed to challenge

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