Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Day 4 11/11 Midfield Position Specific Training

Profile Summary

David Norman
Name: David Norman
City: Fresno
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo; 5v1 10 touch 1v1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo; 5v1 10 touch 1v1
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Rondo; 5v1 10 touch 1v1 (10 mins)

5v1 every 10 passes attackers goes 1v1 vs Defender

Group 1: Edgar, Garcia, Pollo, David, AJ, Alonso (Defensive Group, Add Gilmar)

Group 2: Sosa, Cumo, Felipe, Eddie, Pepe (Mildfielder)

Group 3: Del Rio, C Rios, Lamas, Gilmar (Attackets, can swap Del Rio & Pepe)

Injury Reserve:

Erick Rubio (Ankle, back Friday)

Silver (Ankle, TBD)

Johnny (Hamstring, Next Tuesday?)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass & Turn W/ Maniquens

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass & Turn W/ Maniquens
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Pass & Turn W/ Maniquens (10 mins)

Player 1 passes accross, player 2 recieves

Player 1 runs into a gap (A,B,C or D their choice)

Player 2 passes to player 1 in the gap

Player 1 then makes a turn and passes back to his line (1) through a different gap.

Player 1 then goes into line 2

Player 2 then does the same steps the opposite direction

** Make sure they turn their head to look at the defenders when recieving the ball & that they use all gaps **

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass & Turn W/ Maniquens Progression 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass & Turn W/ Maniquens Progression 1
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Pass & Turn W/ Maniquens Progression 1 (10 mins)

Same drill as before, but after the first player from line 1 makes a pass the 2nd player in line 1 runs to a gap to become a defender and if player 1 passes into that gap they stop the ball.

We want to have them focus on looking before they pass.

Defendere should be sneaky

2nd player who was the defender goes back to the line he came from to become the passer next.

1st player switches lines after pass is completed

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v2 w 1 neutral

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v2 w 1 neutral
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2v2 w 1 neutral (15 mins)

2v2 players have unlimted touches

+ 1 neutral player has only 2 touches

+ Rotate neutral player every 3 minutes until everyone has been it.

+ Losing team at the end of each 3 minute session does 20 star jumps while winning team shags balls

+ Neutral Player does 20 up downs

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