Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Blitz U14B - Recieving on the back foot

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Michael Nelson

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Michael Nelson
Name: Michael Nelson
City: Bronx
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up
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Warm up (10 mins)

Organization: x2 lines of 6/7 players

Instructions: Players move in lines (as soon as one goes, next player goes) to the far cone and back jog it in to the back of the line. Exercises include; jog, side-side, knees-up, heels-up, open/close gate, hamstring kicks, lunges etc.

Coaching Points: Focus on doing exercises correctly

Progressions: Vaious exercises

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up Part 2: Ball Mastery

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up Part 2: Ball Mastery
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Warm Up Part 2: Ball Mastery (10 mins)

Organization: 30x30yrd grid. Cones scattered in various areas of the grid


- Players to dribble around the area in/out of the cones.

- Players with a ball each doing ball mastery moving from cone to cone: bell touches, outside/inside, toe taps, rolls, roll-stop etc. (moves carried out using inside, outside, and bottom of the left foot and right foot). Also do ball skills at a cone (outside - inside, triangles etc.), both feet used.

- Players to practice dribbling moves at the cones (i.e. dribble at a cone with speed and do a move to change direction away from it). Moves include; fake, double fake, scissors, Ronaldo, roll-push, Maradona etc.

Coaching Points:

- Head up and look for space (look for a cone that other players are not going to). Also when doing the ball mastery look forward at the cone, training to get head up when moving with the ball.

- Body position low when performing the dribbling move to change direction

- Moves done at speed and under control


- Various dribbling moves

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): passing recieving

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): passing recieving
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passing recieving (25 mins)

Organization: x3 groups of 5 players. Cones set 10yrds apart

Instructions: Player with the ball passes into the player in the middle (between orange cones), who recieves it on the back foot and passes to the furthest player, who recieves it and dribbles to orange cone and passes to the next player in the line. Players rotate (player who passes it - goes to middle, middle player - goes to far cone, player that dribbles - returns to que.

Coaching Points:

- middle player check shoulder, call for ball, recieve on backfoot

- passes to feet: firm and accurate

- check shoulder multiple times


- player that moves from the middle can move to either of the furthest cones

- player in the middle shifts out to either orange cone, depending on the player behind going to th left or right cone (e.g. far player moves to left cone = middle player moving to the right orange cone.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): passing/moving.recieving

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): passing/moving.recieving
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passing/moving.recieving (15 mins)

Organization: x2 15x20 grids. 2blues and 2 yellows in centre. Non-pinnies on outside as neutrals

Instructions: 2yellows vs 2blues on inside of grid. Keep possession and use neutral players on outside. Neutrals can only pass to yellows or blues. Each play lasts 1.5minutes, then neurals swap with blues/yellows.

Coaching Points:

- Support player on the ball

- Angles

- Movement/runs

- Play quickly

- Communication

- Check shoulder / scan


- 2 touch

- Neutrals have 1 touch

- Recieve a ball from one neutral, then you must as a team get ball to the opposite neutral player.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned game with End zones

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned game with End zones
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Conditioned game with End zones (25 mins)

Organization: x2 fields with endzones. 5v5


- Directional game

- Players can score a point/goal by making a pass into the endzone and a teamate recieving the pass in the endzone.

Coaching Points:

- Get wide to recieve the ball

- Play quickly

- Good movement and runs

- Recieve ball from deep and open up to face forward whenever possible


- Target player in endzone

- 2 touch

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play
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Free Play (25 mins)

Organization: 8v8 with GK's

Instructions: Free play

Coaching Points:

- Support player on the ball

- Angles

- Movement/runs

- Play quickly

- Communication

- Check Shoulder


- 2 touch

- Only pass forwards

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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button