Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Defending - Coaching Coverage/pressure (C-License)

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Tyler Moreira

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Tyler Moreira
Name: Tyler Moreira
City: Milton
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up Phase 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up Phase 1
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Warm Up Phase 1

Stage 1: Movement & Dynamic Range of Motion


- 12 players

- Area: 18 yard box


- 4 cones


- Stay within the 18 yard box marked by cones, listening to the coaches instructions


- Each player starts by jogging across the grid

- Progress to arm swings - big cirlces - small circles - big circles

- Progress to skipping while still swinging arms in big motions - Then bring it to a slow jog

- Incorporate specific movements: high knees, butt kicks, leg raises, open & close the gate

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up Phase 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up Phase 2
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Warm-Up Phase 2

Phase 2 - Neural Preparation


- 12 players (3 groups of 4 players)

- Area: 4 sections - 4 cones - 1 yard apart

- 3 Yellow cones + 3 Blue cones - Diagonal run markers


- 12 Red cones (4 per station)

- 3 Yellow cones

- 3 Blue cones


- Players will begin by each player starting on the right side of the grid moving to their left

- They will start with the footwork demonstrated by the coach and replicate the movement 2x - 1 rep each in opposite directions

- various footwork: in and out/ shuffle over the cones, two feet in/out, Jump (bump with other player), high knees

- When they get to the end, quick change of direction and burst of speed to the blue cone and join the line

- Next player starts when the player clears the 4 cones


- The coach is holding two cones (blue and yellow)

- When the players clear the 4 cones, they must look up to see which colour is being displayed and quick change of direction and speed to that cone, and re-join their line

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up Phase 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up Phase 3
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Warm-Up Phase 3

Phase 3: Technical


- 12 players

Area - 30 x 20 

8 Balls 

18 cones 


-  balls (9 spotted yards behind each grid with a ball)

- 18 cones


- This is a defending transition activity focusing on pressure and progressing into coverage 

- Three teams of 4 players are placed into the respective grids 

- The middle Grid is the defending team 

- One defender (yellow to start) may enter the attacking grid (with the ball) looking to apply pressure, forces a mistake or win possession of the ball 

- Attackers must complete 4 passes between their team before unlocking the opportunity to switch the play to the opposing grid (blue) 

- If the defending team wins the ball or it goes out of bounds, the attacking team transitions to defending and sending one player into the opposing grid 


 -- Send 2 defenders into the grid 

- Closest player to the ball applies pressure, the second player provides support/coverage 

Coaching Points 

- Defending - Body shape (side on, arm up into the player, low to the ground) 

- Speed and Angle of Approach (delay forward movement) 

- Coverage - Good angle and distance of support (never flat in a line) 

- Communication (giving direction/communicating with one another ("I'm In, force left/right")  

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Global

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Global
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- 12 Players (adapted to 11 due to injury)
- 2 teams of 6 players (5 players + 1 GK)

Formations - 1GK - 2 DF - 1 CM - 2 ATT (1-2-1-2)
Area: 40x40 area marked by cones
Spare balls around the area

- 12 Pinnies (6 Orange + 6 Blue (solid in this session)
- 2 small nets + 1 Large goal (Can be adapted for 2 large goals with 2 gk)
- 1 ball
- Cones for the outside
- Spare balls

- FIFA Rules


Players play in a small-sided game with the objective to defend and provide pressure/coverage when their team loses possession (focusing on 1v1 and 2v2 defending situations)

Scenario 1 - If player A looks to pass to player B - Player C looks to apply pressure

Scenario 2 - If the GK looks to play out from the net, The defenders must move as the ball moves to close the attackers in and force them to make a decision quicker (under pressure)
Coaching the pressure (2nd defender) (D) with the positioning in relation to where the closest defender to the ball moves to.

Lines of engagement
- The Red cones symbolize the line of engagement (where the defenders look to engage the attacking team) (in this case it is a higher line) This encourages the players to apply pressure in the opposing team's defensive third

Coaching Points:
- Angle and speed of approach - Look to close the attackers to one side (outside first or inside if they have support) with speed
- Body shape and distance of approach
- Delay forward movement (1st defender applies pressure, 2nd defender provides support/cover)
- Coaching Coverage (angle and distances - not too close and not in a flat line)
- Communication (I'm In, cover, Force left/right)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity
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- 1 Grid (blue cones) 30x20

- 2 small goals (3 yards apart) (1 yard off the blue cones)

- 1 Large goal (6 yards apart)

- 4 Pink cones - indicate starting position for players


- Introducing 1v1 and 2v2 defending (coverage when losing the ball)

- Attackers (in blue) start with the ball - playnig a pass across the grid into the attacker (blue) - simulating a pass in the game

- Immediately on the attackers touch, the defenders (CB/WINGBACK) looks to apply pressure and prevent the attacker from scoring

- The attacker can attack 1 goal (mini-net)

- If the defender gains possession, they too have 2 goals (red) to attack going the opposite direction

- When a goal occurs or the ball goes out of bounds, the players go to the outside of the grid and back to their lines


Introduce 2v2 - introducing the second defender

- Attackes start with a ball (symbolising the midfielder/defender combining with striker)- playing a pass across the grid into the attacker and joins in for a 2v2

- immediately on the attacker's touch, the defender (CB) can apply pressure (yellow), 2nd the defender in to provide support (This shape symbolizes the starting position of the CBs in a game) 

- First defender (man closest to the ball) applies pressure, 2nd the defender - distanc/angle of support provides coverage

Coaching Points

- Angle and (forcing to nearest touchline)

- Speed of approach - look to close the attacker higher up the field - decelerate on approach

- Body shape - knees bent, side on, arm up, forcing to the nearest touchline

- Delay forward movement

- Distance of approach (one arm into the defender keep at

distance - give space to recover if beat)


- Distance and angle between 1st and second defender

- 1st Defender (applies pressure)

- 2nd provides support/cover

- Communication (I'm In, force left, force right)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Game
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Small Sided Game


Small-Sided Game

7v7 (6 + a Goalie)

Grid - 40 x 40

Formations - 1GK - 2 DF - 1 CM - 2 Att - 1 Striker (1-2-1-2-1)


- Coaching the defending principals (1v1 and 2v2 coverage when the team loses possesion)

- Minimal coaching points - Coach over during the game

Coaching Points

- Angle and (forcing to nearest touchline)

- Speed of approach - look to close the attacker higher up the field - decelerate on approach

- Body shape - knees bent, side on, arm up, forcing to the nearest touchline

- Delay forward movement

- Distance of approach (one arm into the defender keep at

distance - give space to recover if beat)


- Distance and angle between 1st and second defender

- 1st Defender (applies pressure)

- 2nd provides support/cover

- Communication (I'm In, force left, force right)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cool Down

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cool Down
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Cool Down


- Area: 44x50 area

- Players will conlcude the session with a cool down

- Players will begin with a light jog and then perform a variety of dynamic stretches at a slow pace: Heel flicks / high knees / side- stepping / skipping /lunges / hamstring sweeps / hamstring kicks /

opening & closing gate / forwards side-to-side

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