Futsal Session (Junior): Futsal Academy- Level 2- Session 17

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James Kavanagh

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James Kavanagh
Name: James Kavanagh
City: Sacramento
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): X Dribbling

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): X Dribbling
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X Dribbling (10 mins)

  • Activity Name: X Dribbling
  • Activity Description:  Arrange players in corners. Maximum 2 per corner. 3 per corner for higher level/fast moving groups. For groups of 8 or more setup 2 areas. Make sure to put your outer cones far enough out to give space to dribble. One player per corner dribbles into the big cone/Pile of small cones in the center then dribbles out toward the little cone where the other players are waiting- all players keep going until they return back to the start cone. Do 2-3 variations per skill. Then have a competition – for groups with 2-3 players in each corner players only go on coaches command. First player to the next corner gets a point. Next players go on the coaches command. Repeat until a player gets to a set number. For lower number groups with just 1 player in each corner make it a race all the way around the square back to the start cone.Coach will instruct players which skill set to use. Make sure to demonstrate each different skill set.
  • Progression / Variation: Possibilities are but not limited too- 1: dribble in go out right, 2: dribble in go out left, 3: toe taps all the way or more advanced players can do toe taps forwards into the center then rotate and do them backwards to head outwards, 4: soccer boxes all the way or more advanced can do forward backwards, 5: single cuts (inside/outside) right foot, 6: single cuts (inside/outside) left foot, 6: double cuts (outside left- inside left- outside right- inside right), 7: pull pushes with lace and sole switch feet, 8: sole roll left all the way- will need to go outwards toward the right, 9: sole roll right all the way- will need to go outwards toward the left, 10: dribble in and then sole delay back then head to the next cone, 11: L turns. Should you need more you can add in attacking moves and/or scoops etc. 
  • Coaching Points- Look to utilize every part of the foot when dribbling, lots of touches and soft touches when doing taps, boxes, cuts, pull pushes. Don't cross feet when doing sole rolls. Any moves the touch outwards needs to be a positive direct touch toward next cone. 

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 Sprints- Quick Fire

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 Sprints- Quick Fire
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1v1 Sprints- Quick Fire (15 mins)

  • Activity Name: 1v1 sprints-Quick fire
  • Activity description: 2 goals about 15 feet apart. Have players spread equally between- A & B cones. One ball to the side of the goal. Player A runs around the opposite goal and strikes the ball first time- while this is happening player B runs around the goal and comes into try and save the shot.
  • Progression/variation:   Switch the players and the ball to the opposite side of the goal so they have to strike with the other foot. 
  • Coaching Points: Correct shooting technique when striking with the laces- kicking knee over the ball, standing knee bent, using the whole body the shoulders/hips, wrapping the foot round the ball. Shooting with insides to aim better. Using Puntanzo to shot quicker. 

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5 Zone Scrimmage

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5 Zone Scrimmage
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5 Zone Scrimmage (15 mins)

Activity Name: Zonal boxes Play.  

Activity Description: 4 corners added on the court, marked out with cones. One central zone marked out with cones.  2 teams. For odd numbers play with a neutral player.

Teams keep possession of the ball and try to pass into one of the corner squares or the central one before they can score. A teammate must be in the square to receive the pass for it to count- players cant stay in the box for no more then 5 seconds. This player must do a sole push to exit the corner on the other side of the square for the goal to count. Defenders can't go in the box.   

Variation/Progression: If a team gets a multiple number of corners then scores they receive that number as goals. Allow players to pass out instead of taking a touch out of the box. 

Coaching Points: Focus each team on patient possession play, rotations and being smart to attack the space. Players need to make smart runs to receive the ball in the corners. 

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Game

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Game
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Final Game (20 mins)

Regular 5 v 5 - Final Game - No restrictions - Reinforce session topic.
- Encourage players to setup in a 3-1.
- Be sure to introduce players to the correct futsal positions (GK, Fixo, Right & Left Ala, Pivot).
- Use futsal rules - 1 passback to GK, 4 second rule on sidelines, kick-
ins, corners.

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