Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): How we use the goalkeeper to build possession (Start Time: 2018-09-08 09:30:00)

Profile Summary

Noel Sritharan
Name: Noel Sritharan
City: Middlesex
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Principle of play: Support & Movement (Retain and build) 

Theme: Technical & Tactical: Playing out from goal kicks, controlling the ball under pressure and supporting team mate on the ball under pressure from opposition, using movement, then getting ball up the field (penetration).

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 v 2 Rondo Arrival activity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 v 2 Rondo Arrival activity
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4 v 2 Rondo Arrival activity (15 mins)

Arriva activity 10 -15 minutes, set up 3 20 x 20 squares, players each square, ideally a goalkeeper at each square (assume you will get 12-18).

Organisation: in a 20 by 20yard square, 4v2 possession square with the team in possession outside the swuare and the opposition inside the square. Start the ball with the goalkeeper if there is a goalkeeper who passes to one of his team mates. How many passes in a row can each group of 4 achieve. Every 1- 2 minutes, rotate the 2 in the middle.


- Rotate players when they lose possession/ defenders win possession.

- Defenders only have to touch the ball (intercept or deflect)

- Players can go into the square.

- If numbers permit (e.g.7 to a group) do a 4v3

Coaching points:

- Body shape, square but on toes and ready to receive in a split stance.

- eyes up to find target and when receiving the ball.

- Decision making on the following, depending on the scenario in terms of defensive pressure, space to play into and movement/ location of team mates (passing lanes):

- Using different short passes; inside of foot, outside of foot, instep for slightly lofted pass or laces for small chipped pass.

- Footwork to adjust to flight & direction of ball, side ball will be passed through and interference of other players (movement).

- First touch choice: back foot inside of foot cushion, outside of foot, laces, sole of foot roll (difficult on soft pitches), stop ball and where in relation to body.

- One touch pass, two touches if needed, ( 1 to control, second to send), 3+ if a player must (if first touch did not prepare ball for pass or need to dribble the ball to an optimum space).

Coaching position: outside the square and walking round to give individual feedbacl, overall encouragement and praise.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Starter possession square.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Starter possession square.
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Starter possession square. (15 mins)

Arrival/ warm up activity 10 -15 minutes, 12-16 players, ideally 2 goalkeepers or 1 is satisfactory (assume you will get 12-16.

Organisation: in a 35 by 35 yard square, split players into 2 groups, have 2 target players (ideally goalkeepers) and 1/2 neutral players either in or outside the square. Ideally 4 players from each group will go in the possession square and 2 players will go on the outside of the squares as wide players who can be used to maintain possession. The ball always starts with a goalkeeper at either side and the aim is for the team in possession to get the ball to the opposite goalkeeper. The neutral players will assist the team in possession but cannot make the final pass to the target goalkeeper, they can however return it to the goalkeeper who started the play. 

If a team loses possession the opposition can attempt to get the ball into the goalkeeper who started the play to score a point. If a team scores directly, the receiving goalkeeper can distribute the ball back to the team who scored. If a team scores in transition the opposite goalkeeper will start the play but again will play to the scoring team. Every 90 seconds, change the neutral players and wide players. The goalkeeper can distribute with hands or feet to begin with.


- Have one team play with an overload, change to 1 or 0 neutral players.

- Have the wide players switch with the person (rotate) with the player who played into them if not neutral.

- All in with or without neutral players, goalkeepers can also come into the possession square but only to help build up play.

- Ball must be played back to goalkeeper who started the play and can choose to come into the possession square. When the goalkeeper receives the ball, an opposing player can attempt to win the ball.

- When a team wins the ball, they must play back to their keeper first in order to score at the other end, make it a directional game where each team has to get the ball to the other side to score.

Coaching points:

- Body shape, square but on toes and ready to receive in a split stance or half turn.

- eyes up to find target and when receiving the ball.

- Decision making on the following, depending on the scenario in terms of defensive pressure, space to play into and movement/ location of team mates (passing lanes):

- Using different short passes; inside of foot, outside of foot, instep for slightly lofted pass or laces for small chipped pass.

- Footwork to adjust to flight & direction of ball, side ball will be passed through and interference of other players (movement).

- First touch choice: back foot inside of foot cushion, outside of foot, laces, sole of foot roll (difficult on soft pitches), stop ball and where in relation to body.

- One touch pass, two touches if needed, ( 1 to control, second to send), 3+ if a player must (if first touch did not prepare ball for pass or need to dribble the ball to an optimum space).

Coaching position: outside the square and walking round to give individual feedback, inside the square for fly by for the same purpose or pull out individuals. If pulling out a goalkeeper, rotate with a more defensive minded player who can take up the role.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Practise organisation - short pass

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Practise organisation - short pass
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Different range of passes; short and long range passes, receiving the ball, throwing the ball.
Technical Tactical
EXPLOITS SPACE IN POSSESSION: Proactive support & passes that eliminates opposition players.
Technical Physical
Movement to receive and create space for others (all). Body shape for efficient passes (Goalkeeper), using head, chest, thigh hands and different parts of both feet to pass and receive
Technical Psychological
Decision making for which pass and who to pass to.
Technical Social
Communicating visually and verbally,

Practise organisation - short pass (30 mins)

Organisation: Team in possession (focus) playing 1-4-3-3 against a 1-4-4-2, 1+7v8 (can also do 8v7 (1 team in possesion has a goalkeeper) or 5v5, 6v5, 6v6,  with goalkeepers on each side or white team only). Ensure there are plenty of footballs by the goal to ensure repetition. Aim to get the ball into one of the mini goals, angled to encourage forward angled passes (or score a goal if using 2 goalkeepers and a normal size goal).

Starter: The game is played with Netball rules, player with the ball cannot travel with the ball but can throw to a team mate. Team out of possession must attempt to intercept, 1m gap between the player with the ball and opposing team players. If the opposing team intercept, they attempt to throw the ball into the large goal, white team (team originally in possession) must attempt to win back quickly, if they do and lose the ball again, the practise restarts (3-5 minutes). 

Main session: Now the practise start with the ball on the goal line and the goalkeeper must kick, opposition can not tackle but can, press, intercept and jockey (5-10 minutes). After some successes by the team in possession (white team), allow tackling (full pressure, no sliding tackles) (10-15 minutes), rotate players so both sets of players get an opportunity to try different positions and scenarios in this practise. Adapt numbers to suit ability and number if players on the day. 

Note: In both instances, if the ball goes out for a throw/ corner etc. the practise restarts. If the opposition gain possession, the first team in possession have a chance to regain possession. If they lose again the practise restarts.

Individual focus: Goalkeeper

Primary Unit focus: Goallkeeper (1) - centre backs (5&6) and Defensive midfielder (4), 

Secondary units: 1 with 2 or 3, 1 with 8 or 10 (see next diagram)

Units within units: 5&6 with 2, 3 and 4, 

Primary focus: Play the ball out of the defensive third so midfield can build an attack.

Secondary focus: Can we get into the attacking third (via 2,3, 8 or 10).

Tertiarty: If possession is lost, can we win the ball quickly and counter attack (Transition element).

Opposition management: Press to win the ball and disrupt possession and attempt to score in transition. During breaks in play get group to discuss ways they can win the ball and create opportunities.

Coaching position: Primarily with the goalkeeper, then moving around the field to praise good moments of play, to talk to primary unit and unit within a unit.

Interventions: Allow players to have a go for ten minutes and guide learning by questioning pass selection (when, where and why?), how we can support the player on the ball (use of tactic board) and who are directly working with the goalkeeper (units)? During play regularly praise and re-iterate coaching points with goalkeeper and other parts of the units.


- If point scored direct from a goal kick or during a possession that involves use of the goalkeeper, a bonus point will be awarded.

Coaching points:

- Decision making selection of pass type (short/ long), height, part of foot, which foot passing to (receiving player), which player (are they marked? are they outnumbered in their area of the pitch? Can they combine to overload their area of the pitch?)?

- Pass execution/ penetration e.g. technique of pass (particularly for longer more difficult passes) passed to back foot, thigh, chest etc. good height, pace of pass, curl if needed.

- First touch choice: back foot inside of foot cushion, outside of foot, laces, sole of foot roll (difficult on soft pitches), stop ball.

- Supporting players positioning and movement off the ball to support current and future player on the ball (difficult). 

- Supporting players move in front of, away or behind defender as necessary, half turn to receive.

- Width and dispersal: create width and disperse to create space in centra

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Low numbers scenario

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Low numbers scenario
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Different range of passes; short and long range passes, receiving the ball, throwing the ball.
Technical Tactical
EXPLOITS SPACE IN POSSESSION: Proactive support & passes that eliminates opposition players.
Technical Physical
Movement to receive and create space for others (all). Body shape for efficient passes (Goalkeeper), using head, chest, thigh hands and different parts of both feet to pass and receive
Technical Psychological
Decision making for which pass and who to pass to.
Technical Social
Communicating visually and verbally,

Low numbers scenario (30 mins)

If not enough players, sacrifice one midfielder from each team or do 5v4 plus 1 goalkeeper (1,2,3,4,5,6 vs red 9, 10, 7 and 11) 5v5+1 (see above) or 6v5+1 etc.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2 goalkeeper set up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2 goalkeeper set up
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Different range of passes; short and long range passes, receiving the ball, throwing the ball.
Technical Tactical
EXPLOITS SPACE IN POSSESSION: Proactive support & passes that eliminates opposition players.
Technical Physical
Movement to receive and create space for others (all). Body shape for efficient passes (Goalkeeper), using head, chest, thigh hands and different parts of both feet to pass and receive
Technical Psychological
Decision making for which pass and who to pass to.
Technical Social
Communicating visually and verbally,

2 goalkeeper set up (30 mins)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Longer passes

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Longer passes
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Different range of passes; short and long range passes.
Technical Tactical
EXPLOITS SPACE IN POSSESSION: Proactive support & passes that eliminates opposition players.
Technical Physical
Movement to receive and create space for others. Body shape for efficient passes (Goalkeeper)
Technical Psychological
Decision making for which pass and who to pass to.
Technical Social
Communicating visually and verbally,

Longer passes (20 mins)

1.pass into 8, 10, 2 or 3.

2. ball into supporting wide player or 4 or 8.

3. Stay on the ball and progress forward using individual ablity.

Coaching position: Primarily with goalkeeper but moving where necessary to help supporting players.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned game
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Conditioned game (30 mins)

Finish with a small sided (6v6) game with an offside line to increase opportunities for the goalkeeper to Take free-kicks. Every time the goal keeper has the ball, they can take a goal kick if they wish, where normal goal kick rules apply. Adapt numbers where neccesary (e.g. 7v6, 6v5, 7v7 etc.). If a team scores game is restarted with a goal kick. If a team scores without losing possession from a goal kick or use the goalkeeper during a phase of possession , they get 2 goals.

Further progression: the opposing team must decide who can restart the game after a goal is scored, throw ins can also be passed in.

After 15-20 minutes, normal rules apply.

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