Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): CUFC Skills Clinis - PASSING & POSSESSION SSG's

Profile Summary

Jose Manuel Figueira
Name: Jose Manuel Figueira
City: Auckland
Country: New Zealand
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG I - Two Way Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG I - Two Way Game
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SSG I - Two Way Game


- 40 x 40 area set up as shown

- 8/10 Players (split into two teams)

- Mini Goals & Gate Goals set up as shown (Poles or Tall Cones)

- Shooting/Scoring Zones

- 1 Ball (additional on outside)


- Players are split into two teams. Each team has a direction they play in

- YELLOW team play up/down & aim to score in Mini Goals. Score one end, turn & attack other

- RED team play side-to-side & aim to score in Gate Goals. Score one end, turn & attack other

- Mini Goals: cant score inside blue cones. Gates: must score from inside red channel

- After set time rotate the teams & the direction in which they are playing

Coaching Points

- Pass Type: Accuracy, Variation & Weight

- Possession: Secure the ball, Circulate the ball & keep it rolling!

- Awareness: always check space & surroundings before, during & after receiving

- Support: Be in a position to receive & help team mate in possession

- Connection: communicate & coach each other

- Finishing: Be positive & ruthless in front of goal!


P - Teams have two touch maximum

P - One touch finishing

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG II - In & Out

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG II - In & Out
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SSG II - In & Out


- 30 x 40 area set up as shown

- 8/10 Players (split into two teams)

- 6 x 6 Center Zone (diamond)

- Mini Goals set up as shown

- 1 Ball (additional on outside)


- Players are split into two teams. Each also nominates a target player who plays inside central diamond

- Teams aim to keep possession & play into their target player who is on one touch

- After linking up with target player attacking team can now score inany Mini Goal

- Goal must be scored from inside channel (red cones)

- After set time rotate the Target Players in middle

Coaching Points

- Pass Type: Accuracy, Variation & Weight

- Possession: Secure the ball, Circulate the ball & keep it rolling!

- Awareness: always check space & surroundings before, during & after receiving

- Support: Be in a position to receive & help team mate in possession

- Connection: communicate & coach each other

- Finishing: Be positive & ruthless in front of goal!


P - Target Player cannot lay back to team mate who passed the ball (3rd man)

P - Attacker who plays into Target Player switches place with them (rotation)

P - Target Player from opposition can block passes into diamon. Cannot tackle

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG II - Back to Back Goal Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG II - Back to Back Goal Game
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SSG II - Back to Back Goal Game


- 30 x 40 area set up as shown

- 8/10 Players (Attackers, Defenders & 2 Target Players)

- 2 Mini Goals set up as shown

- 1 Ball (additional on outside)


- Players are split into two teams & play possession game Attack vs Defence inside playing area

- Two Target Players (one either end) are part of the game & are on one touch

- Team in possession must play into a Target Player before looking to score in either mini goal

- If Defenders win the ball the same process must happen. Target Player before scoring

- After set time rotate the Target Players

Coaching Points

- Pass Type: Accuracy, Variation & Weight

- Possession: Secure the ball, Circulate the ball & keep it rolling!

- Awareness: always check space & surroundings before, during & after receiving

- Support: Be in a position to receive & help team mate in possession

- Connection: communicate & coach each other

- Finishing: Be positive & ruthless in front of goal!


P - Target Players cannot lay back to team mate who passed the ball (3rd man)

P - Attacking team has two touch

P - One touch finishes

P - After using Target Player they can enter area to help overload!

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG III - Find & Finish

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG III - Find & Finish
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SSG III - Find & Finish


- 30 x 40 area set up as shown

- 8/10 Players (Attackers, Defenders & 2 Goalkeepers)

- Target Gates set up at random

- 1 Ball (additional on outside)


- Players are split into two teams including Goalkeepers & playing directional SSG

- Attacking team must pass ball through any Target Gate before looking to finish

- If Defender win the ball they must also pass through a gate before finishing

Coaching Points

- Pass Type: Accuracy, Variation & Weight

- Possession: Secure the ball, Circulate the ball & keep it rolling!

- Awareness: always check space & surroundings before, during & after receiving

- Support: Be in a position to receive & help team mate in possession

- Connection: communicate & coach each other

- Finishing: Be positive & ruthless in front of goal!


P - Attacking team as two touch

P - One touch finishing

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