Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Free training session 3s to 4s

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Pro-Club: FAW Coach Ed

Zakaria Lasfi

Profile Summary

Zakaria Lasfi
Name: Zakaria Lasfi
City: Casablanca
Country: Morocco
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Organisation (Practice Layout & Transition)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Spider man Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Spider man Game
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Spider man Game (15 mins)

Set up

A square with 10 players inside and 9 footballs, one player holding a bib in his hand will be the spider man.


9 players with a football each and one players without a football (Yellow player/spider man) holding a bib in his hand, rest of players try to dribble around inside the square and avoid the spider man who is trying to throw the bib in his hand on their footballs , if he touches someone's football this player becomes the spider man.


2 spider men instead of one

Coaching points

  • Sometimes eyes on the ball and sometimes look where the spider man is.
  • Encourage them to take little touches, keep the ball close and inside the square.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): River's Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): River's Game
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River's Game (15 mins)

Set up

Keeping the same teams, 3 channels with 2/3 rivers inside each,  3 rings, one bridge with a guard ( blue square square and a DEF in the middle one), set of tall cones in the last one, distance between cones on the river becomes slightly longer than previous age grp drill.


A football each, move with the ball inside the river and score a goal when they get to the shore (goalie), take the ball with their hands and jump both feet through the speed rings/hoops on the way back inside the yellow river

Blue river: same principle but after scoring a point by shooting, the player has to dribble off the bridge guard inside the blue square, if the guard wins the ball he gets one point ( change the guard after one min)

Yellow river: after scoring a goal , players have to dribble through the tall cones on the way back 

Coaching points

  • Reinforce the use of little touches learned in the previous drill to keep the ball inside the river.
  • Work on little bit of balance and jumping through the rings
  • Emphasis importance of keeping close control of the ball quality and lots of touches are more important than speed on the yellow river.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Robin Hood & the sheriff Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Robin Hood & the sheriff Game
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Robin Hood & the sheriff Game (15 mins)

Set up

3 Teams plus one player as Sheriff , 3 goals, 15 footballs in the middle.


Footballs placed in the middle and each team starts next to his mini goal, at the signal , all players run towards the footballs in the middle to get one each, run with it towards their designated mini goal and shoot it to score a point, while the sheriff is trying to take footballs back from their mini goals and put them back in the middle. If the player running with the ball leaves the shaded area he has to put the ball back into the middle and restart, after 2 mins change sheriff and count footballs to claim a winner who will finish with most of the footballs inside their goals.

Coaching points

  • Encourage the players to RWB slightly faster.
  • Head up while dribbling

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button