Futsal Session (Academy Sessions): Netball Session 1: Catching/Holding the Ball (Start Time: 2021-10-28 13:00:00)

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Megan Phillips

Profile Summary

Megan  Phillips
Name: Megan Phillips
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal


Aim: To introduce and develop confidence in the child's ability with holding and catching the ball.

Objective 1: 

To introduce correct hand positioning of how to catch a netball.

Objective 2:

To develop an understanding of why we catch the netball in this way. 

Objective 3: 

To develop teamwork skills within netball themed games.


Mearns Castle High School: Gym Hall

Population Group: S1, mixed ability.

Equipment: Set of cones, set of bibs and 10 netballs


1 hour 30 minutes.
Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Introduction - Warm Up

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Introduction - Warm Up
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Learning Objectives

Technical Psychological
Motivation Theories
Technical Social
Communication - Demonstrations

Introduction - Warm Up (10 mins)

Organizational / Instructions

Designated area with cones.

Coach will demonstrate and then call out various shapes:

Pencil, Star, Mushroom.

The most important will be the Catch 'Shape'. 

Whilst the coach calls out different shapes, the children will be doing various pulse raising exercises. This includes, jogging, froggy jumps, high knees or side steps. 

Coaching Points

Catch 'Shape'

- Feet hip distance apart.

- Arms stretched out in front.

- Hands in a 'W' shape.

High Knees

- Keep shoulders back and away from ears.

- Ensure back is straight and not hunched over.

- Drive knees up towards chest. 

Froggy Jumps

- Crouch on floor with knees bent and out either side of body.

- Place hands in between knees.

- Push up on balls of the feet and bring legs up when in the air.

Progressions / Adaptations


- This could be made competitive by adding the idea that the last person in the shape must perform a forfeit or sits out. 


- The area could be split in two if the space is large enough or the children could go in pairs if the space is smaller; also helping to hone their teamwork skills in helping each other with what shape to do. 

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practice

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practice
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Learning Objectives

Technical Tactical
Game/Competition Environments
Technical Social
Instruction and Explanation

Technical Practice (10 mins)

Organizational / Instructions

Line Races:

Split class into teams; e.g. 4 

Have each team stand behind a different coloured cone. 

Ensure each team has one netball between them; give it to the person at the front. 

There will be multiple conditions, all of which involve getting the ball from the front of the line to the back and then back to front, WITHOUT doing traditional passing:

Up Down - Overhead and under legs

Right and Left - Passing ball round left side of body and then the right.

Through Legs - Roll the netball under legs. 

Afterwards each person at the back runs to the front and the team sitting down first wins.


Coaching Points

Holding the Ball 

- Spread fingers behind the ball.

- Grip the ball tight with fingertips.

- Keep feet hip distance apart to ensure balance.

Progressions / Adaptations


- The person at the back must run to opposite end of hall; this can be further progressed so that once that person has returned, the team must perform the conditions again and that person at the back must run, continuing this pattern until everyone has ran and are sitting back down.

- The team must move as one to get from one end of the hall to the other whilst performing the progressions. 


- If there are more children, the races could be done going horizontally as opposed to vertically to allow more room for the children/teams.

- To engage the children's decision making skills, Coach could let them decide how best to get across. 

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practice w/ Progression

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practice w/ Progression
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Non-Linear Design Approach

Technical Practice w/ Progression (10 mins)

Organizational / Instructions

Designate area with cones. 

Select 2 children to be tiggers - put them in bibs.

Select 1-2 children to be the saviour(s) with a netball each. 

Children not selected will be running round the designated area. 

If they are caught by a tigger, they must stand in the Catch 'Shape'. This will alert the saviour to know they've been caught and he/she can free them by passing them the ball. 

Once saviour releases the ball, they can be tagged and whoever caught it, is now the saviour. 

Coaching Points

Catching the Ball

- Keep eyes on the ball.

- Use both hands.

- Bend elbows to absorb impact.

Progressions / Adaptations


- To make it competitive, have the tiggers wearing different coloured bibs and whoever catches the most people by the end of the time set, is the winner. However, the saviours are still playing!


- The area can be made smaller or split into two sections if big enough. 

- There could also be less or more tiggers/saviours depending on the size of the class. 

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Game/Competition Environment

Conditioned Game (10 mins)

Organizational / Instructions

Designate an area with cones or use the lines of hall if applicable.

Split the class into teams e.g. 4 - different bibs for each team or jumper tied round waist.

Split hall in half if possible to have two games playing at the same time.

Players can ONLY pass the ball to each other.

The aim is to get the ball to your team's goal which will be whoever is standing behind the cones on each side. There will also be the team's respective coloured cone as well. 

Coaching Points

- Fingers and hands are slightly relaxed.

- Have hands in a 'W' shape to catch the ball.

- Catch the netball with hands only, NOT arms. 

Progressions / Adaptations


Add in conditions to the game:

- Everyone must mark a player.

- Everyone must have touched the ball before passing to goal player. 


- If hall is large enough, split into two sections. 

- If hall is smaller, then play to first or second point then switch the teams. Teams who are not playing, will be doing chest passes in a circle to introduce the skill and to keep warm.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Debrief - Cool Down

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Debrief - Cool Down
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Learning Objectives

Technical Social
Role of a Coach

Debrief - Cool Down (10 mins)

Organizational / Instructions


Children will stand in a circle.

They will be passing the ball round to each other; not just to the person next to them.

If someone drops the ball, the children must start chanting Its a BOMB! Its a BOMB! Its a B O M B! After that a countdown will start from 10 seconds. 

The last person who has touched the ball, will be out. 

The game then continues until there are only 2 players left for which you could decide how best to choose a winner: rock paper scissors, SPLAT...

Coaching Points

- Step forward when passing to generate more power when passing across the circle.

- Fingertips should point in the direction you are passing in.

- Move hips in the direction you are passing in.

Progressions / Adaptations


- To keep the game going, players could perform a forfeit (5 star jumps, 5 burpees) instead of going out. 

- Players could also have three lives before having to sit out. 

- As players go out, they must line up and be ready to go for their teacher coming back.


- Circle could be made smaller if the children are struggling to pass across greater lengths. 

- There could be two circles if class/hall is bigger.


Begin a conversation with open questions in which the children can respond and talk about what they learned that day.

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