Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Ball control, fitness

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Pro-Club: FAI - Coach Education

Brendan Hanway

Profile Summary

Brendan Hanway
Name: Brendan Hanway
City: Dunboyne
Country: Ireland
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1 (20 mins)

Method: Working on fitness, touch, communication

  • Excercise 1 players dribble out in a straight line to the large cones and turn and pass to receiving player and follow their pass.
  • Excersise 2 players dribble out inbetween red cones all the way to the large cones and turn using inside cut and pass to receiving player and follow their pass.
  • Excersise 3 players dribble out inbetween red cones all the way to the large cones and turn using outside cut and pass to receiving player and follow their pass.
  • Excersise 4 players dribble out inbetween red cones all the way to the large cones and turn using whichever cut they want and pass to receiving player they then must sprint around and finish on opposite side to where they had started from. 
  • Excersise 5 players use th outside 1st cone near edge of square and complete long pass indicated by broken arrows.
Coaching Points:
  • Encourage players to use both feet dribbling and passing.
  • When receiving passes receive on the back front.
  • Correct weight of pass on the ball.
  • Communication is key to complete session successfully.
  • When sprinting players to get to opposite side as quickly as possible

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