Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Academy W10S1 - U10 Striking Technique - Instep/Laces

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David Knapp

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David Knapp
Name: David Knapp
City: Asheville
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Striking Technique

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Juggling

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Juggling
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Juggling (10 mins)

Work on juggling with the feet. Start with various simple patters (foot/catch, bounce/foot/catch, etc.). Then work your way into high foot juggling using the laces and striking surface of the foot. See if they can juggle the ball straight up without much spin. Foot will be about waist height and shoulders will hunch over slightly.

Coaching Points:

•Strike with instep/laces (point toe down)

•Watch your foot strike the center of the ball (head steady)

•Follow through towards your target landing on striking foot

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Striking Through Gates to Partner

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Striking Through Gates to Partner
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Striking Through Gates to Partner (25 mins)

Partners will be about 20 yards apart with a gate in-between them. To score a point you must strike the ball with the proper surface through the gate accurately to your partner.

•How should you approach the ball?

•What is the best surface for striking?

•How should your body look while striking?

•What’s important about a follow through?

Coaching Points:

•Strike with instep/laces (point toe down)

•Watch your foot strike the center of the ball (head steady)

•Body and striking foot at a slight angle (can’t be straight up and down)

•Placement of non-striking foot and positioning of hips, head/shoulders

•Follow through towards your target landing on striking foot

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Goalkeeper Wars

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Goalkeeper Wars
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Goalkeeper Wars (20 mins)

Playing against your partner, players will have a goal (cones) about 20 yards apart from each other. To score, they must strike the ball before they cross the half-way line. When defending the shot they are a goalkeeper. Once a shot is saved, the goalkeeper puts the ball on the ground to play and has only 6 seconds to get a shot off. Focus on proper striking technique.

•What surface should you use to strike the ball to finish?

•How can you get better accuracy?

•How can you get more power?

•What should your follow through look like?

Coaching Points:

•Strike with instep/laces (point toe down)

•Watch your foot strike the center of the ball (head steady)

•Body and striking foot at a slight angle (can’t be straight up and down)

•Placement of non-striking foot and positioning of hips, head/shoulders

•Follow through towards your target landing on striking foot

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v2 Plus Goalkeeper (Large Goals)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v2 Plus Goalkeeper (Large Goals)
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2v2 Plus Goalkeeper (Large Goals) (25 mins)

Set up one field about 25 x 30 and separate the kids into two teams. Each team sets up at one end of the field in two lines (off the field). Team A plays a ball in to team B and the first two players from each line play making a 2v2 game to large goals with goalkeepers. Any time a goal is scored, the ball goes out of bounds, or the game lasts longer than 30 seconds the players on the field go off to the outside and new players begin a new game. The transition should be quick. After 10-12 games, make sure you switch so that both teams receive the ball to start.

•When is a good time to take a shot?

•How should your body and foot look when striking?

•How close should your non-striking foot be to the ball?

Coaching Points:

•Strike with instep/laces (point toe down)

•Watch your foot strike the center of the ball (head steady)

•Body and striking foot at a slight angle (can’t be straight up and down)

•Placement of non-striking foot and positioning of hips, head/shoulders

•Follow through towards your target landing on striking foot

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