Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): IPA3 Finish (Creativity)

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David Cramer

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David Cramer
Name: David Cramer
City: Bonney Lake
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1+2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1+2
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Setup: 6 GU14 Red players: 24x12 paces, 1:1 ball ratio.

1v1+2: A tries to get ball to B's line using 1v1 moves or GnG. Start with free play, then demo GnG. 2 points if Attacker does NOT use bumpers. 1 point if Attacker does use bumpers. Alternate every other (A attack B, then B attack A, etc.). 

CPs: Encourage 1v1's and creativity (Celebrate try). Normalize failure (next up!). GnG: engage opponent, pass before they get to close, accelerate to space behind them. Wall Passers: Stay even with the DEFENDER. Attacker: If defender stays close to her line, engage in a 1v1, don't use a GnG unless necessary (it won't work well). 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v2
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Setup: 12 GU14 Red players: 24x36 paces, 1:3 ball ratio.

3v2: Side A attacks B, 3v2. 1 pt per goal. 2 points if no pass (optional). Alternate every other (A attack B, then B attack A, etc.).

Script: Be calm and quite. Let them play, create, and problem solve.1) Free play. 2) Discuss GnG cues. 3) Demo and discuss Overlap cues.

Tweaks: Add requirement to do 1v1 move, GnG, or Overlap before scoring / 1st pass.

Advanced: Add Fake GnG and Fake Overlaps.

CPs: Encourage creativity. Encourage players in line make a plan and be ready. Recognize when to kill, keep, or reset (draw out defenders from goal). Priorities: Score-Assist-Keep.

GnG: Engage defender. Pass to servers feet (Back). Accelerate to vacated space behind defender. Server should use 1st touch forward. Cues - When defender pursues pass horizontally. What if Defender drops into cover? "Fake" GnG - run in and out. What should server do? pass back and do a GnG.

Overlap: Pass to server feet (Hold), Run behind ball at full speed. Server should use 1st touch inward, hold the ball, time the pass forward. Pass to space vacated by defender. Cues - When defender engages ball vertically. What if Defender denies overlapping run? Attacker should press inside and take space given be defender. Overlapper must continue run.

Fake GnG Cues: When defender drops into cover on horizontal pass.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 6v6 (Even teams)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 6v6 (Even teams)
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6v6 (Even teams)

Setup: 12 GU14 Red players: 48x48 paces, 1:12 ball ratio. GKs optional.

6v6: Play even teams.

Coaching Reset: Be calm and quite. Let them play and problem solve. Encourage players to be creative and try / take risks. Normalize mistakes (Next up). 

CPs: Shoot - Assist - Keep. When to play reset (play back)? when defense is compact in front of goal. Draw them back out. Set the tempo.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Half Court

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Half Court
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Half Court

Organization: 40x30 space in front of full-size goal. 3 Teams, ABC. “Reset”line 30 yards from goal. 3 Teams, A, B, C. Team A Attacks Team B. Team C playsas servers to team in possession. If Team B gets possession, they must get ballback behind “reset” line and then counterattack the goal. BE CREATIVE!

Coaching points: LET THEM PROBLEM SOLVE GnG.Overlap. FBF. “SHOT”. Position body to shoot and finish. 1) Create & Shoot.2) Get the assist. 3) Get the assist to the assist. Look to break lines.

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