Name: | Ross Ballantyne |
City: | Glasgow |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
Dynamic warm up with various dynamic stretches and jogs
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Screen 1
Set up - Goalkeepers can be unlimited (Shown with 2), 2 cones 20 yards apart.
Drill - Warm up
1. Jogging forward from 1 cone to the other and then work backward to 1st cone. (X 2)
2. Jogging forward bring the arm up and forward from 1 cone to the other and then work backwards with arms going backward. (x2)
3. Jogging Forward moving your side to side above there head from 1 cone to the other and then work backward with arms still moving side to side (X2)
4. Jogging forward bring the leg up and open up your groin from 1 cone to the other and then come back facing the starting cone this time closing groin (bringing your leg in) (X2)
5.Jogging Forward kicking your leg up all the way to the cone and then come back facing the starting cone. (X2)
6.Walk forward and on each of the 3rd step lunge and hold for 3 secs.Do this all way up to the cone and all way back to the starting marker.(X2)
7.Walk forward and on each of the 3rd step touch your outside of there boot and bring the hands up all the way up above there head. Do up and down (X2)
8.The Goalkeeper side steps up from starting marker to the 2nd marker.Keeping in the set postition. (X2)
9. The Goalkeeper side steps out 3 steps and touches the ground then side steps out 3 steps and touches the ground. (X2)
10. The Goalkeeper jogs up from starting marker to the 2nd marker and walks back in a rest period.
A) 1/4 pace
B) 1/2 pace
C) 3/4 pace
D) Full pace (Go pass the 2nd marker.
* 5 min of static and dynamic stretches*