Hockey Session (Senior): Technical Sessions, Low numbers

Profile Summary

Robert Dent
Name: Robert Dent
City: Cheltenham
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Technical exercises to start sessions with or for sessions with low numbers. 

Aim of these is to enhance the basic skills of passing, receiving and shooting.

Even the top players will work on these basic skills - so ensure you give plenty of opportunity to each player to practice and give technical points to those needing it. 


- Ensure the face of the stick moves through the centre of the ball 

- Have the stick face end up facing the desired target (pass and pose to target)


- Stick out in front to allow the hands to be free

- High Left elbow

- Watch the ball on to the stick

- Soft hands to avoid the ball bouncing off

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pairs passing

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pairs passing
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Pairs passing

In pairs, one player stands either side of the cones. 

Pass the ball in between the cones. Once arriving at the circle, have a shot. 

Technical points...

Left side of cones:

- Keep feet facing forward

- Aim to receive the ball near your right foot

- Make the next pass off your right foot

Right side of cones:

- Let the ball come accross your body (receive near your right foot)

- Pass from the left foot, aiming for partners right foot

Try to keep everything forehand to begin with, and max 3 touches (ideally 2 touches). 

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technial Receive and shoot

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technial Receive and shoot
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technial Receive and shoot Create Video:

Technial Receive and shoot

Focus: Technical receive and shooting. 

Balls start on the 25m line in the middle. 

Player starts inside the circle, with cones just outside, as shown in the image (3m apart). 

Player posts up, receives a pass, and either carries round to the left or the right and then has a shot on goal - aiming for back post. 

Technical points:

- Stick out in front to ensure a good first touch, soft hands

- High left elbow

- Aim to keep the ball in contact with the stick on the turn (no tap, tap tap sounds)

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing quality

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing quality
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing quality Create Video:

Passing quality

Technical Passing:

Players on the outside aiming to give a fast, accurate pass to the player in the middle. 

Player in the middle receives forehand only, and works on first touch to put the ball in a position to pass to the next player. 

Once the player in the middle has made a pass, they change angle as shown in the image. 

Limit the players to 2 touch only. 


Reverse stick receive

Hitting only


Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Eyes up ball carrying

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Eyes up ball carrying
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Eyes up ball carrying Create Video:

Eyes up ball carrying

Coach (blue) stands in the centre of the orange cones. 

Orange player dribbles towards the coach. As the player approaches, the coach steps into the left or right coned gate. 

The player then dribbles through the open gate. 

Once the player has dribbled through the cones, the coach then shouts out "yellow", " shoot" or "red"

If the coach shouts yellow or red, then the player passes the ball through those cones. If the coach shouts shoot, the player shoots. 

In this exercise, we're looking for the player to get their eyes up to be able to see the 3 possible options. The player should be making the pass or shot. Additionally it's important for the player to have the ball in a position where they can dribble, shoot or pass - and be able to challenge the left and right of the pitch. 

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button